Laravel Eloquent: Working with Self-Joining Tables

Updated: January 18, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with relational databases often entails dealing with tables referencing themselves, commonly known as self-referencing or self-joining tables. In Laravel, one of the most prominent ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) systems is Eloquent, which provides an elegant and efficient way to deal with database interactions, including self-joining tables.

Understanding Self-Joining Tables

In a self-joining table, rows in the table can relate to other rows in the same table. A common example of this is a category tree where each category may have a parent category. In the categories table, you could have a ‘parent_id’ column that refers to the ‘id’ column of the same table to establish this relationship.

SQL Example:

CREATE TABLE categories (
 name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
 parent_id INT,
 FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES categories(id)

Configuring Eloquent for Self-Joining

In Laravel, you signify a self-join by defining a relationship method in your Eloquent model. Here’s how to set up the Category model in the example above:

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Category extends Model
 public function parent()
 return $this->belongsTo('App\Category', 'parent_id');

 public function children()
 return $this->hasMany('App\Category', 'parent_id');

This means that each category may have one parent but potentially many children. It’s important to differentiate between the ‘belongsTo’ and ‘hasMany’ Eloquent functions, which will clarify the type of relationships involved.

Fetching Data with Self-Join Relations

To access the parent or children of a category, Eloquent simplifies the process to just a method call on the model instance:

$category = Category::find($id);
$parent = $category->parent;
$children = $category->children;

This will automatically fetch the related parent and child records from the database for you, based on the relationships you’ve defined in your model.

Advanced Queries and Eager Loading

Eager loading is a concept where you load the model’s related records at the same time as the main model, reducing the number of database queries. Let’s look at how we can use this with our Category model:

$categories = Category::with('parent', 'children')->get();

This line will retrieve all categories along with each one’s parent and children in a more efficient manner than lazy loading them afterwards.

Dealing with Multiple Levels of Self-Joining

For deeper category trees, you might want to fetch multiple levels of the hierarchy. Laravel’s ‘hasManyThrough’ method won’t work for this directly due to it not supporting self-joining out of the box. You have to create recursive relationships:

class Category extends Model
 // ... existing relationships

 public function childrenRecursive()
 return $this->children()->with('childrenRecursive');

Using ‘childrenRecursive’, you can keep fetching children at all levels, though at some point, you may want to limit the recursion depth.

Creating and Updating Self-Joining Relationships

You create and update records just like any other, keeping in mind the ‘parent_id’ representation on the self-join:

$category = new Category(['name' => 'New Category']);

// Updating a category's parent
$category = Category::find($categoryToMoveId);

Note the ‘associate’ method that sets the foreign key on the ‘parent_id’ column.


Working with self-joining tables in Laravel Eloquent can initially seem complex, but it ultimately provides a powerful way to represent hierarchical data. Through the use of self-referencing relationships and Eloquent ORM’s features like eager loading and recursive relationships, you can handle complex datasets in elegant and concise ways. As with many advanced Eloquent concepts, the key to mastering self-joins is understanding the nature of the relationships and analyzing the impact of your data fetching strategies on application performance.