Laravel Error 400: Bad Request – How to Fix

Updated: January 16, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Laravel, a widely-used PHP framework, simplifies the process of web application development through its elegant syntax and rich set of features. However, while it is designed to ease common development tasks, developers may occasionally encounter errors such as the HTTP Error 400: Bad Request. This error typically indicates that the server cannot process the client’s request due to a client error (such as malformed request syntax).

Causes of the Error

The 400 Bad Request error in Laravel can be caused by several issues including:

  • Incorrect route definitions in web.php or api.php files.
  • Incorrect or invalid data being sent to the server.
  • Validation rules failing within controller methods.
  • Misconfigured middleware or request classes.
  • Sessions or authentication issues.

Addressing this error involves checking through these potential causes one by one and correcting any discrepancies found.

Possible Solutions to Fix Laravel Error 400

Solution 1: Validate Request Data

Often, the Error 400 is due to invalid data submitted in requests. To handle this, you should always validate data.

Using Laravel’s built-in validation, you can ensure that only valid data is accepted by your application. If the validation fails, Laravel will automatically throw an error, displaying the specific validation concerns that must be addressed.


  1. Open the controller handling the request.
  2. Utilize the validate method to define your rules.
  3. Customize error messages if needed.

Code Example:

// In your controller
 	'email' => 'required|email',
 	'password' => 'required'

// Custom error messages
 	'email' => 'required|email',
 	'password' => 'required'
], [
 	'email.required' => 'Email is required',
 	'' => 'Email is not a valid email address',
 	'password.required' => 'Password is required',

Notes: Validation is a crucial part of processing requests in Laravel and helps prevent bad requests by ensuring that only properly formatted data is processed. This method can save time by catching errors early in the request cycle. However, it is important to understand that sometimes, validation logic might need to be complex, depending on the requirements of the application.

Solution 2: Review Route Definitions

Malformed or Undefined routes are a common cause for a 400 error.

Ensure that your web or API routes defined in the corresponding files are correct. If a route is used in the request that doesn’t exist in the route files, Laravel won’t know how to handle the request.


  1. Review web.php or api.php files.
  2. Check that the specified route uri and names match.
  3. Confirm HTTP request methods are defined correctly (GET, POST, etc.).


// In your web.php or api.php
Route::post('/login', 'AuthController@login');

Notes: Incorrect routes can be a silent culprit often overlooked. Regularly checking that all routes are defined and coincide with the actual endpoints used can bring clarity and reduce the likelihood of encountering bad requests.

Final Words

To summarize, fixing a Laravel 400 Bad Request error involves rigorously making sure that request data is always validated, that routes are properly defined and matched, and thoroughly checking that all middleware, sessions, and authentication requirements are correctly configured. Addressing each one of these aspects with careful attention can greatly diminish the occurrence of such errors and create a more stable environment for your applications.