Laravel Error: Missing the Mcrypt PHP extension

Updated: January 16, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Laravel, being a robust MVC framework in PHP, requires a handful of PHP extensions to function properly. Among these extensions is ‘mcrypt’, which stands for encryption. This tutorial addresses a common issue where developers encounter the ‘Missing the Mcrypt PHP extension’ error in Laravel. We’ll examine why this error occurs and look at various solutions to resolve it. Whether you’re a novice or experienced developer, this guide will help you tackle this hurdle efficiently.

Understanding the Error

The ‘Missing the Mcrypt PHP extension’ error typically surfaces when Laravel fails to find the mcrypt extension enabled or installed in the PHP configuration on your server. This extension is essential for Laravel because it uses the mcrypt library for encryption and decryption tasks, which are central to maintaining security in Laravel applications.

Let’s Fix It

Solution 1: Install Mcrypt Extension

The most straightforward way to fix the error is by ensuring that the mcrypt extension is installed and enabled on your server for the version of PHP you are using with Laravel.

  1. Check the PHP version your server is using with the command ‘php -v’.
  2. Install Mcrypt using a package manager like ‘apt-get’ for Ubuntu or ‘yum’ for CentOS.
  3. Enable the extension by editing your ‘php.ini’ file.
  4. Restart your web server to apply the changes.


# Install mcrypt for PHP
sudo apt-get install php-mcrypt
# Enable extension (may vary based on PHP version and OS)
# e.g., for PHP 7.2 on Ubuntu
sudo phpenmod mcrypt
# Restart web server, e.g., Apache
sudo service apache2 restart

Notes: This solution is generally the best and recommended one. However, newer versions of PHP (7.2 and above) no longer contain the Mcrypt extension, and you may require an alternative approach.

Solution 2: Upgrade Laravel Version

If you’re using a recent PHP version that doesn’t include Mcrypt, then upgrading your Laravel version to one that doesn’t require the mcrypt extension could solve the problem.

  1. Backup your application.
  2. Follow Laravel’s upgrade guide for your respective version to make any necessary changes.
  3. Update your dependencies using composer.
  4. Test the upgraded application to ensure stability.


# Backup your application
# Update your Laravel to a version that doesn't require Mcrypt
composer update
# Test your application thoroughly

Notes: This approach requires careful consideration of other dependencies and potential breaking changes. Testing is crucial here.

Solution 3: Use a Polyfill Package

A third solution is to use a PHP polyfill library that mimics the mcrypt functions without requiring the actual extension.

  1. Install a polyfill package via Composer.
  2. Require the necessary polyfill in your code base where mcrypt functionality is needed.


# Install a polyfill package, e.g., mcrypt_compat
composer require phpseclib/mcrypt_compat
# Then use mcrypt_compat in place of mcrypt functions

Notes: This is a quick fix but may not be as robust as updating Laravel or installing the actual mcrypt extension; it’s important to verify that the polyfill meets all your security needs.


There are several ways to address the ‘Missing the Mcrypt PHP extension’ error in Laravel but choosing the right one depends on your environment, PHP and Laravel versions. In best case scenarios, you want to either ensure compatibility with all necessary PHP extensions or upgrade your Laravel application to align with PHP’s updates. Always be sure to backup your code and test thoroughly after implementing any fix.