Laravel: How to check if an item exists in the session

Updated: January 16, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When developing web applications with Laravel, handling session data is a common requirement. The ability to check whether a specific item exists in the session is an essential part of managing user experiences, such as displaying flash messages post-submission, or retaining user input across multiple requests. In this tutorial, we’ll explore various methods provided by Laravel to accomplish this task.

Before we dive into the code examples, it is important to understand what a session is. In the context of web applications, a session provides a way to store information about the user across multiple requests. As they browse through your application, session data remains intact between pages.

We’ll begin with the basics of checking if an item exists in the session and progressively move to more advanced applications of the concept.

Getting Started with Laravel Sessions

To get started, ensure you have Laravel installed, and you’re familiar with its Request and Session facades. Laravel provides an expressive API for interacting with session data.

Basic Session Checking

//Using the ‘has’ method
if (session()->has('key')) {
    // Do something with the item

The has() method is the most straightforward way to check if an item exists in the session. It returns true if the item is present.

Using the ‘exists’ Method

//Checking existence using ‘exists’ method
if (session()->exists('key')) {
    // Execute code

The exists() method works similarly to has() but will return true even if the key is present but null.

Employing Request Instances

// Utilizing the request instance
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

public function show(Request $request) {
    if ($request->session()->has('key')) {
        // Execute code for session key

Here, we inject a Request instance and use it to access session data. This approach is particularly useful in controllers.

Advanced Session Checking

Now let’s delve into more sophisticated ways of working with sessions.

Checking Multiple Keys

// Check for multiple keys
if (session()->has(['firstKey', 'secondKey'])) {
    // Execute code for session keys

This code checks for the existence of multiple keys in one go, which is useful when various parts of your app depend on different session items.

Using Callbacks for Conditions

// Using callbacks for conditional checking
if (session()->has('key') && session()->get('key') > 10) {
    // Session item exists and meets a condition

Callbacks enhance your checks with conditional logic, allowing you to take actions based on the content of a session item.

Working with Default Values

// Obtaining items with a default value if it doesn’t exist
$value = session()->get('key', 'default');

Use the get() method to retrieve an item from the session with a default value. The second argument is the default which is returned if the key doesn’t exist.

Flash Data

Flash data is temporary data that is only available for the next request. Laravel provides simple methods to flash data into the session.

Checking for Flashed Session Items

// Flashing data
session()->flash('key', 'value');

// Checking for flashed items
if (session()->has('key')) {
    // Flash data exists

Bear in mind that flashed session items will be removed after the next request. They are often used to send success or error messages to the user upon form submission.


In conclusion, Laravel offers a range of methods to check the existence of session items, catering to different scenarios and needs in your application’s lifecycle. Whether using has, exists or other nuanced functions, sessions in Laravel are both robust and intuitive to handle.