Laravel: How to link to static assets in Blade templates

Updated: January 15, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


One of the common tasks when developing web applications with Laravel is including static assets such as images, JavaScript, and CSS files in your Blade templates. Static assets are essential for styling, client-side scripting, and embedding media content. Laravel provides a structured way of linking these assets in a maintainable and efficient manner. In this tutorial, we’ll explore various methods to link static assets in Blade templates ranging from basic to advanced techniques.

Basic Asset Linking in Blade Templates

The most straightforward way to include static assets in Blade templates is by using the Laravel helper function asset(). This function generates a URL for your asset, considering the application’s “asset root” as defined in the config/app.php file.

<!-- Linking a CSS file -->
<link href="{{ asset('css/app.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">

<!-- Linking a JavaScript file -->
<script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}"></script>

<!-- Embedding an Image -->
<img src="{{ asset('images/logo.png') }}" alt="Logo">

These are examples of how to utilize the asset() helper function to include different types of static resources in your Blade templates.

Utilizing Versioned Assets

One of the challenges in web development is cache busting. When you update an asset, you often want to ensure clients load the most recent version. Laravel solves this problem with the mix() helper function. This function is used to include assets that have been processed by Laravel Mix, which typically includes versioning. It requires a webpack.mix.js setup in your Laravel project.

<!-- Linking a versioned CSS file -->
<link href="{{ mix('css/app.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">

<!-- Linking a versioned JavaScript file -->
<script src="{{ mix('js/app.js') }}"></script>

When using mix(), Laravel will automatically append the appropriate cache-busting query string to the asset URLs as defined in the mix-manifest.json file.

Asset Organization with Directory Structures

Laravel’s public storage is typically the space where assets reside. However, you can structure subdirectories within public to organize related assets. Here’s how you would link to assets inside a subdirectory:

<!-- Linking a CSS file within a subdirectory -->
<link href="{{ asset('css/themes/dark-mode.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">

<!-- Linking an image within a subdirectory -->
<img src="{{ asset('images/icons/laravel.png') }}" alt="Laravel Icon">

Secure Asset Linking

If your application is served over SSL, it’s a best practice to secure your asset URLs as well. This can be automatically handled by setting the ‘ASSET_URL’ in your .env file to use an https:// prefix. Nevertheless, if you need to manually generate secure asset links, Laravel provides the secure_asset() helper function:

<!-- Linking a secure CSS file -->
<link href="{{ secure_asset('css/secure-app.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">

<!-- Linking a secure JavaScript file -->
<script src="{{ secure_asset('js/secure-app.js') }}"></script>

Asset Linking with Laravel Collective

Although not part of the Laravel core, Laravel Collective provides a convenient HTML and Form builder which can be used for linking assets among other things. Below is an example of how you could use Laravel Collective to link to your static assets:

<!-- Linking a CSS file with Laravel Collective -->
{{ HTML::style('css/app.css') }}

<!-- Linking a JavaScript file with Laravel Collective -->
{{ HTML::script('js/app.js') }}

<!-- Embedding an image with Laravel Collective -->
{{ HTML::image('images/logo.png', 'Logo') }}

Advanced Asset Management with Packages

For more sophisticated asset management, you can use packages like Laravel Asset Manager, which gives finer control over the combining, minifying, and versioning of assets. While using these packages might require additional configuration, they can greatly empower handling large-scale applications’ assets.


Incorporating static assets into Blade templates is essential for a complete and responsive Laravel application. Through a range of techniques from simple helper functions like asset() and mix(), to advanced packages for asset management, Laravel continues to offer a robust solution for developers. As your applications grow, so will the complexity of your asset management, but with the guidance provided in this tutorial, you should be well-equipped to handle it elegantly and efficiently.