Laravel Migration Error: Cannot add foreign key constraint (causes & solutions)

Updated: January 16, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with database migrations in Laravel is usually straightforward, but sometimes developers encounter errors such as ‘Cannot add foreign key constraint’. This guide covers common causes and solutions to this problem.

Incorrect Table Engine

Foreign keys require the InnoDB storage engine. Confirm both tables use InnoDB. Below are the steps to get the job done:

  1. Open migration files for both tables.
  2. Ensure the engine is set to ‘InnoDB’.
  3. Run the migrations again.


Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
    $table->engine = 'InnoDB';
    // ...

Note: MyISAM does not support foreign keys.

Column Type Mismatch

Foreign key columns must match the related table column type exactly:

  1. Verify the column types in both tables’ migrations match.
  2. Adjust one to match the other if necessary.
  3. Run migrations again.


$table->unsignedBigInteger('user_id'); // Ensure types match

Note: Also ensure identical signing (unsigned or not).

Pre-existing Data Conflicts

Existing data may violate foreign key constraints:

  1. Inspect data for integrity issues.
  2. Clean or remove problematic data.
  3. Attempt to re-apply the migration.


DB::table('user_posts')->delete(); // Example cleanup

Note: Always back up data before deletion.

Order of Migrations

Tables with foreign keys must be created after the referenced table:

  1. Check migration file names for proper sequence.
  2. Rename files to set correct order.
  3. Run migrations again.



Note: The file’s timestamp indicates order.

Laravel’s Foreign Key Constraints Syntax

Ensure foreign key syntax is correct in Laravel’s schema builder:

  1. Review foreign key declaration in the migration file.
  2. Update to use Laravel’s built-in foreign key methods.
  3. Apply migrations again.



Note: Incorrect syntax can lead to unreliable behavior.

Frequent Troubleshooting Tips

  • Clear cache and config: php artisan cache:clear && php artisan config:clear
  • Drop all tables and run migrations freshly if possible.
  • Ensure both tables exist before creating foreign key relationships.

Note: Lacking of foreign database/table may lead to errors.


Understanding and addressing the potential issues discussed ensures a smooth database migration process in Laravel.