Laravel Query Builder Aggregation: Count, Sum, Max, Min, Average

Updated: January 17, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Laravel, a powerful MVC PHP framework, designed for developers who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications, provides a rich set of functionalities for interacting with databases. Among these is the Query Builder that allows you to perform database queries with PHP syntax rather than writing cumbersome SQL code. In this tutorial, we’ll delve into the aggregation methods provided by the Laravel Query Builder: count, sum, max, min, and avg (average).

What is Aggregation?

Aggregation in databases is a means of combining multiple values to perform calculations on a dataset, which is especially useful when analyzing data. The Laravel Query Builder encapsulates these operations, offering an intuitive interface for performing these calculations.

Retrieving the Row Count

The count method is often used to determine the number of records that meet a particular condition. Here is a simple example:

$usersCount = DB::table('users')->count();

This statement computes the total number of records in the ‘users’ table.

Calculating Sum

To calculate the sum of a particular column for all rows in a table, the sum method can be utilized:

$totalRevenue = DB::table('orders')->sum('price');

It will give you the sum of the ‘price’ column from the ‘orders’ table.

Finding Maximum Value

Laravel’s Query Builder also provides the max method:

$highestPrice = DB::table('orders')->max('price');

This retrieves the highest value from the ‘price’ column in the ‘orders’ table.

Finding Minimum Value

The min method, conversely, helps you find the lowest value in a column:

$lowestPrice = DB::table('orders')->min('price');

Here, the lowest price from the ‘orders’ table will be retrieved.

Calculating Average

The avg method computes the average value. You can calculate an average like so:

$averagePrice = DB::table('orders')->avg('price');

This code snippet computes the average ‘price’ of all records within the ‘orders’ table.

Combining Aggregates with Other Query Conditions

Combine these methods with other parts of the query to make your queries more targeted:

$averagePrice = DB::table('orders')
        ->where('finalized', '=', true)

This would give you the average price of orders that have been marked as finalized.

Grouping Results

To perform aggregations on groups, use groupBy:

$salesPerUser = DB::table('orders')
        ->select('user_id', DB::raw('SUM(price) as total_sales'))

This yields the sum of sales for each user.

Advanced Aggregation with Having and HavingRaw

To filter groups based on aggregate values, consider using having and havingRaw:

$usersWithMoreThanTenOrders = DB::table('orders')
        ->select('user_id', DB::raw('COUNT(*) as orders_count'))
        ->havingRaw('orders_count > ?', [10])

This filters groups to only include users with more than ten orders.

Pitfalls and Best Practices

When performing these aggregate operations, keep an eye out for potential performance issues, especially if you’re working with large datasets.

  • Use indexes on columns that you frequently perform calculations on.
  • Avoid performing calculations on the application side when the database can do it more efficiently.
  • Remember to sanitize and parameterize inputs to avoid SQL injection vulnerabilities.


By mastering the Query Builder’s aggregation methods, you’re equipped to perform complex data analytics tasks with your Laravel application more efficiently and more cleanly than using raw SQL queries.