Left/Right Join in Laravel Query Builder: Tutorial & Examples

Updated: January 17, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Diving into Laravel’s Query Builder allows developers to construct intricate SQL queries with expressive, fluent syntax. In this tutorial, we will focus on understanding and utilizing left and right joins in Laravel. Joins are essential elements in relational databases allowing us to combine rows from different tables and, as such, a cornerstone of any complex Laravel application.

Let’s start by understanding what a ‘Join’ is. In SQL, a Join clause is used to combine records from two or more tables in a database. A ‘Left Join’ (also known as Left Outer Join) returns all records from the left table (first table), and the matched records from the right table. The result is NULL on the right side when there is no match. On the other hand, a ‘Right Join’ (Right Outer Join) returns all records from the right table, and the matched records from the left table, with the result being NULL on the left side when there is no match.

Basic Syntax of Left and Right Joins

Laravel’s Query Builder makes it exceedingly simple to write join clauses. Here is the basic syntax for a left join:

	->leftJoin('table2', 'table1.id', '=', 'table2.table1_id')

And here’s the right join counterpart:

	->rightJoin('table2', 'table1.id', '=', 'table2.table1_id')

Note that the ‘DB’ referenced in the code snippets is a facade provided by Laravel that provides a convenient way to access your database.

Setting Up the Environment

Before we can start leveraging joins in our Laravel application, make certain you have a running Laravel installation set up on your environment of choice. To make things easier throughout this tutorial, you should set up a database with sample tables as we’ll be using these for our examples.

Example Scenario with Code Samples

To illustrate how to use left and right joins, let’s consider an example with two related tables:

  • Users (id, name, email)
  • Posts (id, user_id, title, content)

In this scenario, you want to retrieve all users along with their posts. Not every user has a post, but we still want to return all users.

Using a Left Join

$usersWithPosts = DB::table('users')
	->leftJoin('posts', 'users.id', '=', 'posts.user_id')
	->select('users.*', 'posts.title as post_title')

If we were using a right join, which is less common but still occasionally necessary, we would want to retrieve all posts and their associated users.

Using a Right Join

$postsWithUsers = DB::table('posts')
	->rightJoin('users', 'posts.user_id', '=', 'users.id')
	->select('posts.*', 'users.name as author_name')

Advanced Join Clauses

Laravel also allows more complex join operations, such as specifying multiple conditions for the join, or even joining against subqueries.

Multiple Conditions Join

$usersWithPosts = DB::table('users')
	->leftJoin('posts', function ($join) {
		$join->on('users.id', '=', 'posts.user_id')
			->where('posts.published', '=', true);

This code will get all users and only their published posts.

Subquery Joins

You can also join using a subquery:

$latestPosts = DB::table('posts')
	->select('user_id', DB::raw('MAX(created_at) as latest_post'))

$usersWithLatestPosts = DB::table('users')
	->joinSub($latestPosts, 'latestPosts', function ($join) {
	$join->on('users.id', '=', 'latestPosts.user_id');

Joining with Eloquent Relationships

Although our examples above use the Query Builder directly, you can also define relationship methods in your Eloquent models. Eloquent’s relationship methods, such as hasMany() and belongsTo(), can be combined with the with() method to generate similar joins under the hood without writing out the join manually.

Eloquent Example with ‘with()’

$users = User::with('posts')->get();

Integrating these types of optimization and functionality within your Laravel application demonstrates the framework’s flexibility and power.


Understanding how to use left and right joins using Laravel’s Query Builder showcases the capacity to manipulate and retrieve interrelated data sets effectively. Whether you prefer to use Query Builder directly for your joins or opt for Eloquent relationships, Laravel provides the tools necessary to interact with your database efficiently.

Through practical examples, we’ve witnessed how a fundamental understanding of database relationships is paramount in Laravel. Armed with this knowledge, you’re well on your way to mastering the seamless database operations crucial for the advancement of any modern web application.

Happy coding!