Managing Cookies in Symfony: A Practical Guide

Updated: January 14, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Reliable cookies management is essential for providing a stable user experience on any Symfony-based web application. In this tutorial, we’ll explore the mechanisms Symfony provides for working with cookies, delve into best practices, and walk through practical examples you can apply in real-world projects.

Understanding Cookies in Symfony

In Symfony, cookies are part of the HTTP foundation component. Cookies represent data that the server sends to the user’s browser which then sends them back with subsequent requests, allowing the server to recognize users across different requests.

Creating Cookies

Cookie objects in Symfony are used to create cookies. The set method of the Response class is typically used to attach cookies to a response before sending it back to the user’s browser.

// src/Controller/SomeController.php

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Cookie;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

public function someAction() {
    $response = new Response();

    $cookie = new Cookie(
        'my_cookie',    // The name of the cookie
        'cookie_value', // The value of the cookie
        time() + (2 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60)  // The expiration time (2 years here)

    return $response;

Reading Cookies

To access the cookies sent by the client, use the $request->cookies parameter bag within a controller action:

// Getting a specific cookie value by its name
$value = $request->cookies->get('my_cookie', 'default_value');

Updating and Deleting Cookies

To delete a cookie, you need to invalidate it by setting its expiration in the past. When updating, you essentially create a new cookie with the same name but with updated content or expiration date.

// To delete a cookie
$cookie = new Cookie('my_cookie', ' ', time() - 3600);

// To update a cookie
$cookie = new Cookie('my_cookie', 'new_value', time() + 3600);

Working with Cookie Attributes

Aside from a name, value, and expiration date, a Symfony cookie can also include several other attributes such as path, domain, security flags, etc.

$cookie = new Cookie(
    'secure_cookie',  // name
    'secure_value',  // value
    time() + 3600,   // expire
    '/',             // path
    null,            // domain
    true,            // secure flag
    true             // httponly flag

JSON Cookies

Handling JSON encoded data can be managed with Symfony’s Cookie class. However, extra care must be taken to encode and decode the JSON data appropriately.

// Encode data
$cookie = new Cookie('json_cookie', json_encode(['key' => 'value']));

// Decode data
$jsonString = $request->cookies->get('json_cookie');
$data = json_decode($jsonString, true);

Testing Cookies in Symfony

Writing tests that interact with cookies is a crucial part of maintaining a Symfony application. When writing PhpUnit functional tests, you can use the client to check cookies on the response:

// ...

$client = self::createClient();
$crawler = $client->request('GET', '/some-route');
$cookies = $client->getResponse()->headers->getCookies();

// Assertions about cookies...


In Symfony, you can configure your cookies with security considerations such as the Secure and HttpOnly flags. This is especially important for cookies that contain sensitive data. Here’s an example of how you might configure this in a Symfony application.

Example: Setting Secure and HttpOnly Flags for Cookies in Symfony

You can configure cookie security settings globally in your Symfony application configuration. Here’s an example for config/packages/framework.yaml:

        cookie_secure: true
        cookie_httponly: true

In this configuration:

  • cookie_secure: true ensures that cookies are sent over secure protocols (HTTPS).
  • cookie_httponly: true makes the cookies inaccessible to JavaScript’s Document.cookie API, which helps mitigate attacks such as cross-site scripting (XSS).

Alternatively, if you need to set these flags programmatically for a specific cookie, you can do so when creating the cookie instance:

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Cookie;

// ...

public function someMethod()
    // Create a cookie with Secure and HttpOnly flags
    $cookie = new Cookie(
        'cookie_name',       // Name of the cookie
        'cookie_value',      // Value of the cookie
        0,                   // Expiry (0 for session cookie)
        '/',                 // Path
        null,                // Domain, null means current host
        true,                // Secure flag
        true,                // HttpOnly flag
        false,               // Raw
        'lax'                // SameSite attribute

    // Add the cookie to the response
    $response = new Response();

    return $response;

In this code snippet:

  • A new cookie is created with both the Secure and HttpOnly flags set to true.
  • The cookie is then added to the response header, which will be sent to the client.

Security Best Practices

  • Always use HTTPS in production to ensure that the Secure flag on cookies is effective.
  • Regularly review your application’s cookie usage to ensure that security-related flags are set appropriately for different types of cookies.
  • Consider using Symfony’s built-in CSRF protection mechanisms for forms to enhance security further.


This guide provided an introduction to managing cookies within a Symfony project. As you’ve seen, Symfony gives developers a robust set of tools for handling cookies, which can be essential for user tracking, sessions, and more. With the foundation laid here, you should be well-equipped to work with and manage cookies in your Symfony applications.