Managing sessions in Laravel: A practical guide

Updated: January 16, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Session management is a crucial component of web applications, necessary for tracking user interactions and data across multiple requests. Laravel, a sophisticated PHP framework, streamlines this task with its elegant and robust session handling features. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to use Laravel’s session capabilities to manage user data effectively.

Configuring Sessions in Laravel

Before diving into code examples, make sure you’ve configured sessions properly. Laravel supports several session drivers, such as file, cookie, database, and more. You can configure these settings in the config/session.php file. Here is an example of a database session configuration:

'driver' => 'database',
'table' => 'sessions',
'connection' => null,
'lottery' => [2, 100],
'expire_on_close' => false,
'encrypt' => false,
'secure' => 'auto',
'httponly' => true,
'same_site' => null,

Basic Usage of Sessions

To start, let’s learn the basics of setting and getting session variables in Laravel.

// Setting a session value
request()->session()->put('key', 'value');

// Retrieving a session value
$value = session('key');

// Checking if a session value exists
if (session()->has('key')) {
    // Do something

Here’s how you can work with flash data that exists for the next request only.

// Flashing a session value
session()->flash('message', 'Your profile has been updated.');

// Retrieving flashed message
$message = session('message');

Advanced Session Operations

Laravel also provides advanced session operations such as pushing to array session values and retrieving all session data.

// Pushing to an array session value
session()->push('user.teams', 'developers');

// Retrieving all session data
$data = session()->all();

// Forgetting a session value

// Clearing all session data

Database Session Handling

In this section, we’ll look at how to work with database-driven sessions for more fine-grained control. First, run the provided command to create the session table:

php artisan session:table
php artisan migrate

And here’s how we can work with it:

// Retrieve a session by ID
$sess o nById = DB::table('sessions')->find($sessionId);

// Update a session's user_id
    ->where('id', $sessionId)
    ->update(['user_id' => $userId]);

Middleware for Session Initialization

You can also use middleware to initialize or manipulate session data for specific routes or route groups:

public function handle($request, Closure $next)
    $request->session()->put('init', true);
    return $next($request);

Interaction with Session via HTTP Requests

Sometimes, you’d like to manipulate session within HTTP requests. Here’s how you can accomplish this.

// An example route that uses a controller to handle sessions
use App\Http\Controllers\SessionController;
Route::get('/session/set', 'SessionController@set');
Route::get('/session/get', 'SessionController@get');


In summary, Laravel offers powerful features for session management, from simple retrieval and assignment to advanced database operations and middleware interactions. Exploit the full range of these capabilities to enhance your web application’s reliability and user experience.