Manipulating array fields in MongoDB (with examples)

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Manipulating array fields in MongoDB is a common requirement when working with database applications. Arrays can be highly dynamic structures that allow for storing multiple values in a single key within a document. This flexibility is crucial in various use cases, from storing user preferences to managing data points for analytics. This tutorial aims to guide you through different methods of manipulating array fields in MongoDB, illustrated with practical examples from basic to advanced operations.

Prerequisites: This guide assumes that you have a basic understanding of MongoDB and its query language. Familiarity with JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) will also be beneficial.

Adding Elements to Arrays

To add elements to an array in MongoDB, you can use the $push operator. This operator adds an element to the end of an array.

  $push: {
    arrayField: elementToAdd

Example: Consider a document in the ‘profiles’ collection with a ‘hobbies’ array field. To add ‘gardening’ to the hobbies list:

  { _id: profileId },
  { $push: { hobbies: "gardening" } }

Output: The hobbies array now includes ‘gardening’.

Removing Elements from Arrays

To remove the first or last element from an array, MongoDB provides the $pop operator. For removing specific elements by value, the $pull operator is used.

  $pop: {
    arrayField: 1   // Use -1 to remove the first element

For removing a specific element by its value:

  $pull: {
    arrayField: valueToRemove

Example: To remove ‘gardening’ from the hobbies array:

  { _id: profileId },
  { $pull: { hobbies: "gardening" } }

Output: The hobbies array no longer includes ‘gardening’.

Modifying Elements Inside Arrays

For updating specific elements in an array without removing them, the $ operator is useful when the position of the element is known. In cases where the position is not known, the $[] and the $[] operators allow for updating elements matching a condition.

  { "hobbies": "reading" },
  { $set: { "hobbies.$": "speed reading" } }

For updating all instances of a value within an array, use the $[] operator:

  { $set: { "hobbies.$[elem]": "speed reading" } },
  { arrayFilters: [ { "elem": "reading" } ] }

Output: All instances of ‘reading’ in hobbies arrays are updated to ‘speed reading’.

Querying Array Elements

To query documents based on the presence of certain elements within an array field, MongoDB offers various query operators like $in, $all, and $elemMatch.

  { hobbies: { $in: ["gardening", "reading"] } }

This query returns all documents where the hobbies array includes either ‘gardening’ or ‘reading’.

Working with Nested Arrays

Manipulating nested arrays in MongoDB documents requires a nuanced approach, especially when the goal is to update elements within these nested structures. MongoDB provides the $[] operator, also known as the “all positional” operator, which can be used to update elements in nested arrays. However, due to the complexity involved, it’s crucial to clearly understand the document schema and the specific update you want to achieve. Here’s a simple code snippet to demonstrate updating elements within a nested array:

Document Example:

Consider a collection students with a document structure like this:

  "_id": 1,
  "name": "Jane Doe",
  "classes": [
      "name": "Math",
      "grades": [90, 92, 85]
      "name": "Science",
      "grades": [88, 90, 92]


Suppose you want to add 5 bonus points to every grade in every class for all students.

Update Operation:

  {}, // Filter criteria; an empty filter updates all documents in the collection
    $inc: { "classes.$[].grades.$[]": 5 } // Increment each grade in each class by 5


  • updateMany: This operation updates multiple documents within the collection.
  • The first parameter {}: This empty filter object means that the update will apply to all documents in the students collection.
  • The second parameter uses $inc with "classes.$[].grades.$[]":
    • classes.$[] targets all elements in the classes array.
    • grades.$[] within each class element targets all grades in the grades array, incrementing each by 5.

This operation demonstrates handling nested arrays by incrementally updating each grade in each class for all students. Remember, operations on nested arrays can quickly grow in complexity, so it’s essential to thoroughly test your queries and updates to ensure they achieve the intended outcome without unintended side effects.


In this tutorial, we’ve explored various methods of manipulating array fields in MongoDB, from adding and removing elements to querying and modifying array content. These skills are fundamental for effectively managing and utilizing data stored in MongoDB. As projects grow in complexity, mastering array operations will become increasingly important.