Many to One Associations in Sequelize.js

Updated: December 29, 2023 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Understanding associations in Sequelize is crucial for establishing relationships between different data models in a Node.js application. The Many to One association is a fundamental component in relational databases, where many instances of a model can be associated with one instance of another model. This tutorial will guide you through the implementation of Many to One relationships in Sequelize, starting from setting up your models to querying your data effectively.

Setting Up

To begin with, let’s ensure Sequelize is installed, and we have a database to work with. Start by creating a new Node.js project and install Sequelize and the database driver of your choice (e.g., PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite).

npm init -y
npm install sequelize pg

Next, set up a new Sequelize instance:

const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
const sequelize = new Sequelize('database', 'username', 'password', {
  dialect: 'postgres',

Defining Models

You’ll need at least two models to create a Many to One relationship. For instance, an ‘Order’ can belong to a single ‘Customer’, which means many orders can be associated with one customer.

const Customer = sequelize.define('customer', {
  name: Sequelize.STRING

const Order = sequelize.define('order', {
  item: Sequelize.STRING

Creating the Association

To associate these models, we can use Sequelize’s belongsTo and hasMany methods.

Order.belongsTo(Customer); // Many to One
Customer.hasMany(Order);   // One to Many

These methods will set up foreign keys and relational methods on your models.

Syncing the Models

With your associations defined, you need to sync your models with the database:

sequelize.sync({ force: true })
  .then(() => console.log('Models synchronized successfully.'))
  .catch((error) => console.error('Sync failed: ', error));

Advanced Usage

Sequelize also allows for more complex associations and interactions. You can specify foreign key constraints, set aliases, and customize the default behavior of your associations.

Order.belongsTo(Customer, {
  foreignKey: 'customerId',
  as: 'buyer'

This code snippet demonstrates setting a foreign key with a specific name and an alias for the association.

Querying Associated Data

With Sequelize, querying associated data is straightforward. You can use include to fetch associated models.

  include: [{
    model: Customer,
    as: 'buyer'
}).then(orders => {


In this tutorial, we’ve covered the basics and some advanced techniques for working with Many to One relationships in Sequelize. Properly utilizing associations can significantly streamline your database operations and data management in Node.js applications. Experiment further to gain an even deeper understanding of Sequelize associations and their capabilities.