Mastering LPAD and RPAD String Functions in PostgreSQL

Updated: January 5, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with strings is an essential part of database manipulation, as it is often necessary to manipulate text data to fit certain formats or align with data standards. PostgreSQL, as a robust and feature-rich database system, provides numerous string functions to facilitate such operations. Among these functions are LPAD and RPAD, which are used to pad strings on the left and right, respectively. These functions have been a part of PostgreSQL for a long time and are inherent to SQL databases, continually being updated and maintained with the evolution of PostgreSQL versions.

Purpose of LPAD and RPAD Functions

The purpose of the LPAD (left pad) and RPAD (right pad) functions is to fill a string with an additional set of characters to a specified length. This is particularly useful when there is a need to display data in a tabular format with aligned text, to prepare data for import or export to fixed-width file formats, or to ensure that values comply with a pre-defined text pattern or size. The functions are versatile in handling various padding requirements.

Syntax, Parameters, and Returned Value

The basic syntax for the LPAD and RPAD functions in PostgreSQL is as follows:

LPAD(string text, length int, fill text) 
RPAD(string text, length int, fill text)


  • string text: The text string that you want to pad
  • length int: The desired total length of the resulting string after padding
  • fill text: The characters to be used for padding. If omitted, space is used by default.

These functions return a text string that has been padded on the left or right to the specified length with the specified fill character. If the string is longer than the length parameter, it will be truncated.

Code Examples

Example 1: Basic Padding

This example demonstrates the simplest usage of LPAD and RPAD to align text within a fixed width by adding spaces. This code snippet shows how to pad the string ‘PostgreSQL’ to 15 characters on both the left and the right.

SELECT LPAD('PostgreSQL', 15);
SELECT RPAD('PostgreSQL', 15);

Example 2: Custom Character Padding

Padding a string with a specific character other than space.

We will pad the text ‘ID’ to a width of 10 using zeros. This is a common technique to format numerical identifiers.

SELECT LPAD('ID', 10, '0');
SELECT RPAD('ID', 10, '0');

Example 3: Truncating Excessive Length

Demonstrating LPAD and RPAD’s behavior with a string that exceeds the given length.

In this example, when the existing string length is longer than the target length, the functions will truncate the string.

SELECT LPAD('PostgreSQL', 5, ' ');
SELECT RPAD('PostgreSQL', 5, ' ');


The LPAD and RPAD functions in PostgreSQL provide a simple yet powerful way to manipulate and format strings within the database. They offer great flexibility whether you are compulsorily aligning data, presenting reports in a more readable format, or meeting data storage and transfer standards. Understanding how to use these functions effectively is an integral skill for any database administrator or developer working with PostgreSQL. They encapsulate a fundamental aspect of SQL programming – flexibility and control over data presentation.