Mastering the ‘git push’ Command (With Examples)

Updated: January 27, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Understanding how to use the git push command is essential for developers who work with Git, the widely-used version control system. In this guide, we will explore the various aspects of git push, with practical examples to enhance your skills from basic to advanced usage scenarios. Whether you’re new to Git or looking to refine your command-line prowess, you’ll learn how to effectively push your local changes to a remote repository.

Introduction to git push

git push is utilized to upload the content of your local repository to a remote repository. This command is critical for sharing your work with others, backing up your code, and collaborating on projects. When you commit changes in your local repository, they remain there until you decide to share them by pushing the commits to a server such as GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket.

Before we delve into examples, let’s set the stage by ensuring we understand some basic concepts associated with git push:

  • Remote Repository: This is the server-side repository that stores your code online.
  • Local Repository: The version of the project that resides on your personal computer.
  • Branch: A parallel version of the repository that diverges from the main working project. It’s used to develop features, fix bugs, etc., without affecting the main codebase.

Basic Usage of git push

Let’s start with the most common scenario: pushing changes from your master or main branch to the origin which is the default name for the remote repository.

git push origin master

This command would attempt to push the commits from your local master branch to the remote repository named origin.

Specify a Remote Branch

If you want to push to a branch with a different name than your current branch, you can specify it in the command:

git push origin feature-branch

It is particularly useful when you want to push feature branches, bug fixes, or experiment with your code.

Pushing a New Local Branch

When you create a new branch and want to push it to the remote for the first time, you will need to set the upstream branch with the -u flag:

git push -u origin new-branch

With this command, not only are you pushing your branch, but you are also establishing a tracking relationship between your local branch and the remote branch.

Pusing Tags

Tags are an important feature when you want to create a snapshot of your code, often used for releases. To push tags to your remote repository, you use:

git push origin --tags

This pushes all your tags that aren’t on the remote repository.

Force Pushing

Sometimes you might find yourself needing to rewrite history — like when you’ve amended a commit or rebased a branch. It’s important to do this with caution, but to force push, you would use:

git push origin <branch-name> --force

Warning: Force pushing can overwrite history in the remote repository, so it should be used sparingly and only when you’re sure that no one else is working on that branch.

Pushing to a Different Remote

If you’re working with multiple remotes, you may need to push to a different remote other than the default origin:

git push <remote-name> <branch-name>

Advanced Push Refspecs

Refspecs, a way to map local branches to remote branches, give you a very controlled approach over what to push:

git push origin refs/heads/<branch>:refs/heads/<remote-branch>

This pushes the local <branch> to the <remote-branch> in the remote named origin.


The git push command is a powerful tool for managing and sharing your code. By mastering its usage, you’ll be better equipped to contribute to projects, manage your repositories, and collaborate with peers. Always ensure you’re pushing the intended content and use force pushing with care to maintain a clear and accessible project history.