Merging Git branches: A practical guide with examples

Updated: January 27, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Version control systems are a cornerstone of efficient and collaborative software development. Git, one of the most popular version control systems, enables multiple developers to work on the same codebase without stepping on each other’s toes. Central to this process is branch management, specifically the act of merging. This tutorial will walk you through the practical aspects of merging Git branches, complemented with examples to solidify your understanding.

Understanding Git Branching

Before diving into merging, let’s quickly review what branches are in Git. A branch in Git represents an independent line of development. Developers use branches to work on new features, bug fixes, or experiments, separate from the main code. The default branch in Git is typically called master or main.

Let’s start with a simple example. First, ensure you’re on the default branch and your working directory is clean:

git checkout main
git status

Next, create a new branch:

git branch new-feature

Switch to your new branch and start making changes:

git checkout new-feature
// Edit some files...
git add .
git commit -m "Start new feature work"

Preparing for a Merge

Before merging, it’s a good idea to update your branches with the latest changes from the main branch:

git checkout main
git pull origin main
git checkout new-feature
git merge main

This ensures that any conflicts between the new changes and existing work can be handled in the feature branch instead of the main branch.

Basic Merge

The simplest form of merge is when there are no conflicts. To merge the new-feature branch back into main, you would do:

git checkout main
git merge new-feature

If there are no conflicts, Git will perform a ‘fast-forward’ merge, simply updating the pointer of the main branch to the latest commit of the new-feature branch.

Handling Merge Conflicts

Sometimes you’ll encounter merge conflicts when changes in different branches clash. Here’s how you handle them:

git merge new-feature
// Merge conflict!
// Edit conflicting files to resolve conflicts...
git add .
git commit

This will open an editor to create a merge commit message. After saving and exiting, the merge conflict will be resolved.

Advanced Merging Strategies

For more control over the merge process, you can use the --no-ff flag to create a merge commit even when a fast-forward merge is possible:

git checkout main
git merge --no-ff new-feature

This is useful for maintaining a history of merges. Another strategy is the --squash flag, which combines all the feature branch commits into a single commit:

git checkout main
git merge --squash new-feature
git commit

This creates a cleaner history but at the cost of losing individual commit details.

Using Rebase before Merging

Rebasing is another strategy to consider before a merge to ensure a linear project history:

git checkout new-feature
git rebase main
// Resolve any conflicts
git checkout main
git merge new-feature

This moves the entire ‘new-feature’ branch to start at the tip of the ‘main’ branch, which can simplify the merge.

Using Merge Tools

For complex conflicts, graphical merge tools like Meld, KDiff3 or the one integrated in your IDE can help. Configure a merge tool with:

git config --global merge.tool yourTool

To initiate the external merge tool:

git mergetool

This will guide you through conflicts visually.

Best Practices for Merging

  • Regularly pull changes from main to your feature branches to minimize merge conflicts.
  • Use descriptive commit messages to provide context for others.
  • Test thoroughly after resolving conflicts to make sure nothing is broken.
  • If needed, squash commits to clean up history, but do so judiciously.
  • Merge smaller, more frequent updates to avoid massive, complex merges.


Merging is an integral part of working with Git. Understanding and practicing merging strategies will mitigate headaches and keep the codebase clean and manageable. Whether you’re a solo developer or working in a large team, mastering merges will contribute to a streamlined and efficient development workflow.