How to Migrate Data from MySQL to PostgreSQL

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Migrating data from MySQL to PostgreSQL involves careful planning and execution. Learn step-by-step methods, from basic to advanced, to transition your database smoothly and efficiently.


As both MySQL and PostgreSQL are popular open-source relational database management systems, there comes a time when a project or organization might decide to transition from one to the other. This decision may depend on several factors, such as performance, scalability, advanced features, or simply organizational changes. Migrating from MySQL to PostgreSQL requires a substantial understanding of both systems, knowledge of the data types, and an awareness of the incompatibility issues that may arise. This guide offers a walkthrough of the migration process using practical examples and provides insights on the tools and practices that can facilitate a smooth transition of your database assets.


Before diving into the migration process, make sure you have a well-thought-out plan. Begin by assessing your MySQL database schema, data, stored procedures, and triggers to identify any compatibility issues with PostgreSQL. Consider the differences in data types, reserved keywords, and differences in SQL syntax. Make a list of these variances and plan out how you’ll address each of them during the migration.

It’s crucial to back up your MySQL database. This ensures that you can restore it if something goes wrong during migration:

mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases > mysql_backup.sql

Install the necessary PostgreSQL tools and make sure your PostgreSQL instance is up and running efficiently.

Basic Migration Using pgLoader

pgLoader is a powerful open-source tool that simplifies the process of migrating from MySQL to PostgreSQL. It can manage schema and data loading in one command.

pgloader mysql://username:password@hostname/dbname postgresql:///newdbname

This single command will attempt to migrate the entire database ‘dbname’ from MySQL to a new PostgreSQL database ‘newdbname’. PgLoader will handle data type translation and other transformations smoothly.

Intermediate Steps: Manual Schema Conversion

If pgLoader doesn’t address every schema difference, you may need to manually convert your MySQL schema to be compatible with PostgreSQL. Here’s an example of converting MySQL’s ENUM type, which PostgreSQL does not support directly:

MySQL ENUM column:

ALTER TABLE your_table MODIFY column_name ENUM('value1', 'value2');

PostgreSQL equivalent using CHECK:

ALTER TABLE your_table ADD column_name TEXT CHECK (column_name IN ('value1', 'value2'));

For more complex schema conversions, it may be beneficial to write a script that programmatically transforms the schema SQL.

Advanced Data Transfer Techniques

For large datasets, more advanced methods may be necessary. One approach is to export data to a CSV file from MySQL and import it into PostgreSQL:

Exporting from MySQL:


Importing to PostgreSQL:

\copy your_table FROM '/path/to/your_table.csv' WITH CSV HEADER;

This method often requires further data clean-up before the import or post-import adjustments to ensure data integrity.

Validation and Testing

Once all the data is migrated to PostgreSQL, thorough testing is crucial to ensure everything functions as expected. Look for inconsistencies, confirm that constraints and indexes behave correctly, and run queries to compare the outputs across both databases.

Final Adjustments

After validation, you may need to make final adjustments, such as re-creating the foreign keys, rebuilding the indexes, or tuning the new database for performance.


Migrating data from MySQL to PostgreSQL can be challenging, but following a structured approach with appropriate tools and robust testing will lead to a successful transition. Make use of automation tools like pgLoader where possible and carefully validate each step to ensure data integrity throughout the migration process.