MongoDB Error – AuthSchemaIncompatible: The server is configured to only allow clients with a compatible auth schema version

Updated: February 1, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MongoDB is a widely used NoSQL database that provides high performance and easy scalability. However, during usage or maintenance, developers may encounter an error such as AuthSchemaIncompatible. This error suggests a compatibility issue between the client’s authentication schema version and the version supported by the MongoDB server.

Understanding the AuthSchemaIncompatible Error

The ‘AuthSchemaIncompatible’ error typically occurs after upgrading or downgrading the MongoDB server or when trying to connect to a MongoDB instance with an outdated client. This error indicates that the authentication mechanism used by the client is incompatible with the authentication schema set on the server.

Solutions to Fix the AuthSchemaIncompatible Error

Solution 1 – Update MongoDB Server

Upgrading your MongoDB server to a version that supports the same or a newer authentication schema can resolve the compatibility issue.

  • Review the MongoDB server and client version requirements.
  • Backup the existing MongoDB database data.
  • Download the latest stable version of MongoDB compatible with your client.
  • Stop the MongoDB service.
  • Update the software using package manager commands or binaries.
  • Start the MongoDB service and test the connection from the client.


  • Ensure that you have tested the new version in a testing environment before updating in production.
  • Updating the server includes all the security patches and potentially new features.
  • There could be some backward compatibility issues you need to address post upgrade.

Solution 2 – Downgrade MongoDB Client Driver

The MongoDB client driver you are using might be too new if your server is on an older version, consider downgrading the client driver to a version which is compatible with the server’s auth schema.

  1. Check the server’s documentation for version compatibility.
  2. Choose the appropriate client driver version compatible with the server.
  3. Install the selected version of MongoDB driver for your application.
  4. Test the application connection to MongoDB.


  • Downgrading a client driver can make you lose some functionality available in newer drivers.
  • Ensure that the features you use in the client are supported in the version you downgrade to.
  • This might not be a long-term solution if you plan to use new features added in later versions.

Solution 3 – Update Client Driver and Re-Configure Auth Schema

Update the client driver to the latest version, which may include a fix for the AuthSchemaIncompatible error. Then, if necessary, reconfigure the server’s authentication schema to align with the updated client.

  1. Determine the latest version of the client driver compatible with the MongoDB server.
  2. Update the client driver using the package manager or by modifying the project’s dependency file.
  3. Review the authentication schema requirements for the MongoDB server and make adjustments if needed.
  4. Test the connection between the updated client and MongoDB server.

No code is needed as the solution primarily involves configuration management and compatibility checks.


  • Updating the client driver will allow the use of the newest client features.
  • Review the authenticity configuration options as they might have changed with the driver updates.
  • Test thoroughly, particularly for the effects on user authentication flows.


These solutions address the common causes of the ‘AuthSchemaIncompatible’ error in MongoDB and provide steps to overcome them. Each method has its consequences, such as temporary loss of server connectivity during updates and the need for thorough testing post-changes. Deciding which one to use depends on your system’s requirements, your access to update server or client dependencies, and your capacity to handle potential changes in functionality.

Once the error is resolved, it’s critical to maintain the compatibility of the client and the server by following the recommendations for version alignment provided by MongoDB’s documentation. Regular monitoring of deprecation notices and update announcements from MongoDB can help prevent similar issues from arising in the future.