MongoDB Error: bad auth Authentication failed

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

The bad auth: Authentication failed error in MongoDB typically indicates that there is a problem with the username or password used when trying to authenticate with the MongoDB server. This error can be both frustrating and blocking for developers and database administrators. In this article, we’ll explore several potential reasons for this error and provide clear solutions to help you resolve it.

Solution 1: Verify Credentials

Sometimes, the simplest explanation is the correct one. You may be using the wrong username or password, or the correct credentials might be either misspelled or used incorrectly in your connection string.

  1. Ensure that the username and password are correctly typed.
  2. Check that the authentication database is properly specified.
  3. Reattempt the connection with the verified credentials.

Notes: Ensure that any changes to credentials are also reflected in environment variables or configuration files that might be used for your application to connect to MongoDB.

Solution 2: Reset User Password

If the credentials do not work, you may need to reset the password for the MongoDB user. This should be done carefully to avoid affecting database access for other services or applications using the same credentials.

  1. Connect to the MongoDB shell as an admin.
  2. Use the database where the user is defined: use admin
  3. Reset the user’s password: db.updateUser('username', { pwd: 'newPassword' })
  4. Reattempt the connection with the new password.

Here is an example of how you might reset a password in the mongo shell:

use admin
try {
  db.updateUser('myUser', { pwd: 'newSecurePassword' })
  print('Password updated successfully.')
} catch(e) {

Notes: Resetting passwords can affect any application or service using the same credentials. All affected parties must be informed to update their connections accordingly.

Solution 3: Configure SCRAM Authentication Mechanism

MongoDB uses SCRAM (Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism) as the default authentication mechanism. Configuring or reconfiguring it correctly can help resolve authentication issues.

  1. Ensure the MongoDB server version supports the SCRAM authentication mechanism.
  2. Set up SCRAM for the MongoDB user (since MongoDB 3.0, it is the default).
  3. Include the authMechanism=SCRAM-SHA-1 or authMechanism=SCRAM-SHA-256 parameter in your connection string, depending on the server configuration.

Notes: This method assumes that the client library being used to connect to MongoDB is up to date and supports SCRAM. Older client libraries may not support newer authentication mechanisms.

Solution 4: Check MongoDB Server Logs

Sometimes the issue is on the server side, and you’ll need to check the MongoDB server logs for more detailed error messages that can provide insight into why authentication is failing.

  1. Locate and open the MongoDB server logs. These are often found in the /var/log/mongodb directory, or as defined in the configuration file.
  2. Search the logs for patterns associated with authentication failures, which may provide additional clues.
  3. Address the issue as identified by the log messages.

Notes: Be aware that logs may contain sensitive information. Ensure that appropriate security measures are in place when handling logs.


This guide has covered several potential causes and solutions for the bad auth: Authentication failed error in MongoDB. It’s important to start with the basics by verifying credentials and to proceed with the more advanced troubleshooting steps if necessary. Always remember that changing authentication settings and passwords can affect any services that rely on accessing the MongoDB server, so proceed with caution and communicate with your team.