MongoDB Error: The ‘cursor’ option is required, except for aggregate with the explain argument

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Understanding the ‘cursor’ Error in MongoDB

MongoDB is a powerful NoSQL database used for storing JSON-like documents. While working with MongoDB, you might encounter various errors that could halt your workflow. One such error related to the aggregate function is “The ‘cursor’ option is required, except for aggregate with the explain argument.” This error mainly occurs when trying to perform an aggregation operation without providing the necessary cursor option.

Possible Causes of the Error

  • Incompatible MongoDB version: Older versions of MongoDB didn’t require a cursor for aggregation operations. Starting with version 3.6, it became mandatory to include the cursor object.
  • Incorrect aggregate function syntax: Failing to include the required cursor parameter within the aggregate function.

Solution 1: Update MongoDB to the Latest Version

Older versions do not support certain cursor functionalities. Updating MongoDB can sometimes resolve this error if it’s caused by version incompatibly.

  1. Check your current MongoDB version.
  2. Compare it with the latest version on the official MongoDB website.
  3. Follow the upgrade instructions provided by MongoDB.


// Example MongoDB shell command to check version


// Expected output

Note: Ensure that you have backup your database before performing an upgrade, as it could have breaking changes.

Solution 2: Adding Cursor to Aggregate Function

Modify the aggregate function query to include the cursor parameter to prevent the error.

  1. Identify the aggregation operation that triggers the error.
  2. Add an empty cursor object to the aggregation operation.
  3. Test the aggregation operation to confirm the error is resolved.


// A MongoDB aggregation operation that includes the cursor parameter

    // your aggregation stages
    cursor: {}

// Expected output
// A cursor to the results of the aggregation

Note: Adding a cursor object allows for iteration over large result sets that otherwise could exceed BSON document size limits.

Caveats and Limitations

It’s important to understand MongoDB’s limitations when working with aggregations. Each MongoDB version has its own set of limitations and supported features, so reading the official documentation is critical. Likewise, adding a cursor to an aggregation operation may change how results are returned, potentially affecting your application code that processes the results.

Benefits of Correct Cursor Usage

Proper cursor implementation facilitates the handling of large sets of data, ensuring efficient memory management and better performance. Furthermore, cursors allow for asynchronous result processing, making your database operations more scalable.