MongoDB Error – LockBusy: dbclient is still busy, cannot acquire lock

Updated: February 1, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


While working with MongoDB, you might encounter the LockBusy error, which can disrupt your database operations. This error indicates that a client connection is trying to acquire a lock while another process is holding it, inhibiting processes from completing their tasks. Understanding why this error occurs and how to resolve it can help maintain the efficiency and reliability of your database operations.

Common Causes of LockBusy Error

The LockBusy error usually arises under the following circumstances:

  • Concurrent operations trying to modify the same data.
  • Long-running operations that keep the lock for extended periods.
  • Improper shutdown of the database, leaving a lock in place.
  • Resource contention with limited I/O or CPU, causing operations to take longer and locks to be held longer.

Fixing the MongoDB LockBusy Error

Solution 1: Check for Long-running Operations

In many cases, long-running operations could be the culprit holding a lock. Identifying and managing such operations is essential.

  1. Connect to your MongoDB shell.
  2. Use the currentOp command to find running operations.
  3. Identify long-running operations that might be holding locks.
  4. Consider killing these operations if they are unimportant using the killOp command.

Example query:

    'active': true,
     'secs_running': { '$gt': 60 },
     'ns': 'your_database.your_collection'
  function(op) {
    if (op.op == 'query' || op.op == 'insert' || op.op == 'update' || op.op == 'remove') {


Notes: Killing operations can lead to partial updates or lost data. Use with caution and ensure that it is safe to terminate the operation before proceeding.

Solution 2: Optimize Database Operations

To prevent lock contention, optimize database operations so they complete more quickly and efficiently.

  1. Index fields that are often queried to speed up read operations.
  2. Batch write operations to reduce the number of lock acquisitions.
  3. Reevaluate your application’s logic to minimize conflicting concurrent writes.
  4. Regularly monitor performance and use explain plans to understand query efficiency.


db.collection.createIndex({ 'yourField': 1 });

Notes: Optimizing operations requires an understanding of MongoDB’s indexing and performance analysis. This works well for preventative maintenance, but is less useful once a LockBusy error is already impacting your system.

Solution 3: Increase Hardware Resources

If the error stems from resource contention, consider scaling up your hardware capabilities.

  1. Analyze your database system’s resource usage.
  2. Determine if the bottleneck is due to CPU, I/O, or RAM limitations.
  3. Upgrade your server’s hardware accordingly to provide additional resources.

No code or command is needed for this solution, as it’s a hardware upgrade. The necessary changes would be done through the server hosting the MongoDB instance or by contacting your cloud service provider if the database is hosted on a cloud server.

Notes: hardware upgrades can be costly and might not address underlying inefficiencies in code or database design.

Solution 4: Proper Shutdown and Recovery

Ensure that the database has shut down properly in the past and perform any necessary recovery operations.

  1. Stop the MongoDB service correctly using appropriate commands.
  2. If the database didn’t shut down properly, consider running a repair operation.

Repair command:

mongod --repair

Notes: This is particularly useful if improper shutdown is suspected. Be cautious with the repair operation, as it may lead to data changes.


Resolving the LockBusy error will help ensure the stability of your MongoDB operations. Prevention through optimized queries and good server management can reduce occurrence frequency. Applying these solutions with consideration of the overall system health will improve operational efficiency and reduce the chances of encountering this error in the future.