MongoDB: Find documents between two dates (with examples)

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Searching through databases to find documents within a certain time frame is a common task in database management. MongoDB, the popular NoSQL database, provides powerful querying capabilities for this very purpose. In this tutorial, we will explore how to leverage MongoDB’s querying tools to find documents between two specific dates, with practical and easy-to-understand examples. Whether you are a beginner looking to master the basics or an experienced developer hunting for advanced tips, this guide will provide valuable insights for all levels.

Exploring Date Queries in MongoDB

MongoDB stores dates in the BSON Date format, which represents a specific instant in time. When performing date queries, you need to be familiar with MongoDB’s date operators like $gt (greater than), $lt (less than), $gte (greater than or equal to), and $lte (less than or equal to) that are used to filter documents based on date ranges. Let’s start by understanding the basic structure of a date query in MongoDB.

 'created_at': {
    $gt: new Date('2023-01-01'),
    $lt: new Date('2023-01-31')

The code snippet above queries a collection for documents where the created_at date is greater than January 1, 2023, and less than January 31, 2023. It’s important to note that dates in MongoDB are always stored as UTC and might need to be converted to match local time zones when querying.

Basic Queries: Searching Between Two Dates

Let’s start with the basics by looking into finding documents recorded between two specific dates. A typical business use case would be generating a monthly report on user activity or sales data.

const startDate = new Date('2023-01-01');
const endDate = new Date('2023-01-31');

   'purchase_date': {
    $gte: startDate,
    $lt: endDate

Here, we create two JavaScript Date objects to represent the start and end dates of the query. The purchase_date field of the documents is filtered using the $gte and $lt operators to include all purchases occurring within January 2023. Remember to adjust your date objects according to your timezone if necessary.

Using ISODate for Enhanced Precision

For a closer precision level, you can use MongoDB’s ISODate function, which provides a clear representation of date and time based on the ISO 8601 standard. This can be beneficial when time factors, such as hours, minutes, and seconds, are critical to the query.

 'access_time': {
  $gte: ISODate('2023-01-01T00:00:00Z'),
  $lt: ISODate('2023-01-02T00:00:00Z')

This query retrieves all documents accessed on the first day of January 2023, utilizing the precise timestamp provided by ISODate.

Advanced Filtering with Aggregation

For more advanced date range filtering, MongoDB’s aggregation framework offers a powerhouse of tools including the $match stage, which can include the same date range criteria used in regular queries.

  $match: {
   'signup_date': {
    $gte: ISODate('2023-01-01T00:00:00Z'),
    $lt: ISODate('2023-01-31T23:59:59Z')
  // Add other aggregation stages after $match

The snippet shows how you can find users who signed up in January 2023 as the starting stage of your aggregation pipeline.

Handling Time Zones in Queries

Because MongoDB stores times in UTC, it’s vital to handle time zones correctly when querying across different locales. MongoDB’s $dateFromParts aggregation operator can help with this by constructing a date based on timezone-aware components.

  $match: {
   'event_time': {
    $gte: { $dateFromParts: {'year': 2023, 'month': 1, 'day': 1, 'timezone': 'America/New_York'} },
    $lt: { $dateFromParts: {'year': 2023, 'month': 2, 'day': 1, 'timezone': 'America/New_York'} }

The code above finds events that occurred throughout January 2023, taking into account the New York Time timezone.

Indexing Date Fields for Performance

To improve the query performance on date-related searches, especially in large datasets, consider indexing your date fields. This will allow MongoDB to traverse the dataset more efficiently during querying.

db.collection.createIndex({ 'order_date': 1 });

Creating an ascending index on order_date facilitates faster searching.

Complex Filtering with Date Components

Sometimes, you may need to query documents based on parts of a date, like the year or month. MongoDB’s $expr and $dateToParts operators can be used here to convert dates to components which can then be compared in the query.

 $expr: {
  $and: [
   { $eq: [{ $year: '$event_date' }, 2023] },
   { $eq: [{ $month: '$event_date' }, 1] }

This will filter all documents with event_date in January 2023.


Understanding how to query between dates is fundamental for many applications that rely on time-sensitive data in MongoDB. By mastering various operators and techniques, from basic queries to complex aggregations, you can craft optimized queries that perform well even on large data sets. Always pay attention to time zones and consider indexing date fields to further improve your query efficiency. Happy querying!