MongoDB: How to identify and drop unused indexes (with examples)

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In the realm of MongoDB, optimizing database performance is pivotal. A significant aspect of this optimization involves managing indexes effectively. While creating appropriate indexes can substantially enhance query performance, having unused or redundant indexes can have the opposite effect, consuming unnecessary storage and negatively impacting write performance. This tutorial walks you through the steps to identify and drop unused indexes in MongoDB, featuring examples ranging from basic to advanced. Let’s begin this journey towards a more efficient MongoDB database.

Understanding Indexes in MongoDB

Before diving into identifying and dropping unused indexes, let’s establish a basic understanding of indexes in MongoDB. Indexes support the efficient execution of queries in MongoDB. Without indexes, MongoDB must perform a collection scan, i.e., scan every document in a collection to select those documents that match the query statement. This process can be highly inefficient and slow, especially with large datasets.

Creating an index involves specifying a field or fields that MongoDB will use to order the data in the collection. By maintaining an index, MongoDB can limit the search to the indexed fields, speeding up the query process. However, not all indexes that are created are used frequently. Identifying and removing such indexes can help in maintaining an optimal performance level.

Identifying Unused Indexes

The first step in managing indexes efficiently is to identify the unused ones. MongoDB provides several methods to do this.

1. The $indexStats Operator: This aggregation stage returns statistics regarding the use of each index for the collection. It’s a powerful tool to recognize which indexes are being used and which are not.

  { $indexStats: { } } 

This command will list all indexes in the specified collection with details about their usage. Indexes that have not been used since the last server restart will have a ‘accesses’ count of zero, indicating they might be candidates for removal.

2. Reviewing Query Performance: Using the explain method on your queries can help understand which indexes are being used. If you notice that certain indexes are never being utilized across different queries, they might be unnecessary.


Strategies for Dropping Unused Indexes

Once you’ve identified unused indexes, the next step is to remove them. However, this needs to be done cautiously to avoid dropping indexes that could be beneficial for Infrequent but crucial operations.

1. Dropping a Single Index: You can drop an index directly if you’re confident it’s not needed.


This command removes the specified index from the collection. Be sure you’ve correctly identified the index as unused or unnecessary before executing this operation.

2. Evaluating the Impact: Before dropping any index, analyze the potential impact on database performance. Consider creating a testing environment where you can drop the index and monitor the impact on query performance and overall system health.

Advanced Considerations

Managing indexes in MongoDB may involve more advanced strategies as well, especially in larger and more complex databases. These may include:

  • Periodic Review: Regularly review index usage and performance, considering changes in query patterns and application requirements.
  • Use of Third-Party Tools: Several third-party tools and services can assist in analyzing database performance and index usage, offering insights beyond what MongoDB’s internal tools provide.


Efficiently managing indexes is crucial for maintaining the performance and health of your MongoDB databases. By identifying and removing unused indexes, you can ensure that your database remains optimized for your application’s needs. Remember to proceed with caution and conduct thorough analysis before dropping any indexes to avoid inadvertently affecting your database’s performance negatively.