MongoDB: How to rename a field in a document (with examples)

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Rename operations are common in database management tasks—whether to correct a misspelling, adhere to a naming convention, or pivot the database structure to meet evolving application requirements. MongoDB, a leading NoSQL database, facilitates renaming document fields through a variety of methods, each suitable for different scenarios. In this tutorial, we will explore how to rename a field in MongoDB documents, gradually progressing from basic to more advanced examples.

To follow along with the examples in this tutorial, ensure MongoDB is installed and running on your system. You will also need access to a MongoDB database and a collection within it to experiment with.

Using the $rename Operator

The simplest and most direct way to rename a field in MongoDB is using the $rename operator within the update(), updateMany(), or findAndModify() commands. Let’s start with the basics.

Example 1: Renaming a Single Field

db.collection.updateMany({}, {
  $rename: {"oldFieldName": "newFieldName"}

This operation will rename the oldFieldName to newFieldName across all documents in the collection where oldFieldName exists. The empty curly braces {} as the first parameter of updateMany() signifies that the change should apply to all documents.

Example 2: Conditional Renaming

  {"conditionField": "conditionValue"},
    $rename: {"oldFieldName": "newFieldName"}

Here, the $rename operation only applies to documents that meet a certain condition, such as a specific field value. Customizing conditions allows for more targeted renaming, providing flexibility according to your needs.

Advanced Renaming Techniques

As we dive deeper, MongoDB offers more sophisticated options for renaming fields, including combining operations and handling embedded documents.

Example 3: Renaming Fields in Embedded Documents

db.collection.updateMany({}, {
  $rename: {"embedded.oldFieldName": "embedded.newFieldName"}

This example shows how to rename a field inside an embedded document. Using the dot notation, you can drill down into nested documents and rename fields at any level.

Example 4: Using Aggregation Framework for Renaming

    $set: {
      "newFieldName": "$oldFieldName",
      "$unset": "oldFieldName"

Although slightly more complex, the aggregation framework provides a powerful toolkit for data transformation. Here, $set is used to create a new field with the value of the old field, while $unset removes the old field. This method is particularly useful when you need to perform additional transformations during the renaming process.

Best Practices and Considerations

  • Testing: Always conduct rename operations in a test environment before applying them to your production database. Errors can result in data loss.
  • Backup: Ensure you have a recent backup of your database. In case of an unexpected issue, this allows you to restore your data to its previous state.
  • Documentation: Keep a log of changes made to the database schema, including field renamings. This practice helps maintain an audit trail and simplifies troubleshooting.
  • Performance: Be mindful of the impact rename operations can have on database performance, especially in large datasets. Plan and execute these operations during off-peak hours if possible.


Renaming fields in MongoDB documents is a versatile process, accommodating everything from simple, one-off changes to complex, conditional data transformations. By understanding and utilizing the $rename operator and the aggregation framework, developers can maintain an efficient and orderly database structure. As with any database operation, caution and preparation are key to ensuring data integrity and system performance.