MongoDB Int32 and Long data types: A practical guide (with examples)

Updated: February 2, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In the diverse ecosystem of MongoDB, understanding the subtle nuances of data types is a fundamental aspect of both database design and performance optimization. Two commonly encountered data types are Int32 and Long, each with its own set of characteristics and use cases. This guide aims to elucidate the differences, applications, and practical examples of using Int32 and Long data types in MongoDB, from basic operations to more advanced scenarios.

Understanding Int32 and Long in MongoDB

In MongoDB, the Int32 data type is used for storing 32-bit integer values, which means it can represent numbers ranging from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. On the other hand, the Long data type caters to 64-bit integer values, extending the range significantly to between -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 and 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.

Choosing between these two data types depends largely on the numeric domain of your application. For applications with smaller numeric ranges that comfortably fit within the 32-bit limit, Int32 is an ideal choice. Conversely, for applications requiring larger numbers or higher precision, Long becomes essential.

Basic Usage Examples

Let’s begin with some basic examples to demonstrate how to insert and retrieve Int32 and Long data types in a MongoDB collection.

Inserting Data

MongoDB shell (mongosh)
> use mydatabase
> db.numbers.insertOne({"_id": 1, "smallNumber": 2147483647, "largeNumber": NumberLong("9223372036854775807")})


{ "acknowledged" : true, "insertedId" : 1 }

In this example, we’ve inserted a document with an Int32 value for smallNumber and a Long value for largeNumber. This illustrates the basic syntax and shows how MongoDB distinguishes between the two types.

Retrieving Data

> db.numbers.find({_id: 1})


  "_id" : 1, 
  "smallNumber" : 2147483647, 
  "largeNumber" : NumberLong("9223372036854775807") 

When retrieving the document, MongoDB maintains the data types as they were inserted, showcasing the fidelity of the database in preserving type information.

Advanced Scenarios

After covering the basics, let’s delve into more complex scenarios where understanding the distinction between Int32 and Long can be particularly beneficial.

Aggregations and Arithmetic Operations

Due to their differing ranges, special care must be taken when performing arithmetic operations or aggregations that might exceed the 32-bit limit. Here’s an example:

> db.numbers.aggregate([
    $project: {
      total: { $add: ["$smallNumber", "$largeNumber"] }


Error: overflow attempting to store 9223372039002259455

This example demonstrates how exceeding the Int32 limit during an operation can result in errors. It’s crucial to use the correct types to avoid such overflow issues.

Dealing with Limitations

The MongoDB database operation’s success heavily depends on accurately predicting and aligning with the data’s nature. Here are additional tips on navigating the limitations of Int32 and Long data types:

  • Type Conversion: MongoDB provides functions for converting between numeric types to manage size constraints and overflow issues effectively.
  • Schema Design: Design your schema with foresight, considering the maximum and minimum values that fields will hold. This foresight can prevent data type overflow and ensure data integrity.


In the landscape of MongoDB, understanding and effectively utilizing the Int32 and Long data types are pivotal for ensuring data integrity and performance. This guide provides a foundational knowledge base, from basic insertion and retrieval to handling advanced scenarios with precision. Embrace these insights to harness the full potential of MongoDB in your endeavors.