MongoDB InternalError: too much data for sort() with no index

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Understanding the error: MongoDB Sort Data Issue

When working with MongoDB, you may encounter an error like InternalError: too much data for sort() with no index. This error occurs due to the MongoDB limit on sorting operations that can be handled in memory. When the size of the data to be sorted exceeds the limit and no indices support the sort operation, MongoDB cannot perform the sort.

Potential Causes of the Error

  • Performing a sort on a large dataset without appropriate indexes.
  • Exceeding the in-memory sort threshold, which is 32 MB by default.

Resolutions for the MongoDB Sort Data Issue

Solution 1: Creating an Index

By creating an index on the field(s) you intend to sort by, MongoDB can perform the sort operation more efficiently.

  1. Identify the field(s) that require an index.
  2. Use the db.collection.createIndex() method to create the index.


db.collection.createIndex({ field: 1 });

Note: This solution may hold the most significant performance improvement, especially for large datasets. However, be aware that creating an index comes with tradeoffs, such as increased storage requirements and potential decrease in write performance.

Solution 2: Increase the Sort Memory Limit

Though not recommended, as a quick workaround you could increase the memory limit MongoDB uses for in-memory sorts using the allowDiskUse option.

Modify the sort operation to include the allowDiskUse option:

db.collection.find().sort({ field: 1 }).allowDiskUse(true)

Note: This can lead to decreased performance, as data will be written to temporary files on disk. It also does not permanently solve the problem for continually growing datasets.

Solution 3: Reduce Result Set Before Sorting

Filtering the data before performing the sort operation can decrease the data size, thus avoiding the error.

  1. Introduce filtering criteria into the query to reduce the dataset size.
  2. Apply the sort operation after the data has been filtered.


db.collection.find({ filterField: { $gt: value } }).sort({ sortField: 1 })

Note: This solution is helpful when the specific use case allows filtering. It reduces the processing load on the MongoDB server but is not universally applicable.