MongoDB NetworkError: failed to connect to server (5 solutions)

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

When working with MongoDB, facing a NetworkError: failed to connect to server can be quite common, particularly when setting up MongoDB for the first time or when there are network issues. This error can be due to various factors including connectivity issues, configuration errors, or service outages. Below we provide some of the common solutions to fix the error.


Check MongoDB Service

Before diving into more complex solutions, ensure that the MongoDB service is running.

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt.
  2. Type the following command to check MongoDB’s status:
sudo systemctl status mongod

If the service is inactive, start it with:

sudo systemctl start mongod

Code example with output: No direct code will connect to MongoDB, but this ensures that the MongoDB service is running.

Notes: This solution is applicable to systems using systemd and might vary depending on the operating system. Always ensure that MongoDB is intended to run at system boot.

Check Server Connectivity

Network problems could prevent your machine from connecting to the MongoDB server.

  1. Verify your internet connection first.
  2. Make sure that you can ping the server hosting MongoDB:
ping your.mongo.server.ip

If you cannot ping successfully, you must resolve the network connectivity issue first.

Code example with output: The ping command output should show successful ICMP replies indicating active communication.

Notes: Behind a VPN or firewall, additional configuration might be needed to allow your machine to reach the MongoDB server.

Verify MongoDB Listening Configuration

If MongoDB is restricted to local connections, remote connections will fail.

  1. Open the MongoDB configuration file mongod.conf.
  2. Look for the bindIp under net option and verify it is set to for listening on all interfaces, or ensure the correct IP address is assigned.
  3. Restart the MongoDB service to apply any changes.


sudo systemctl restart mongod

Notes: Setting bindIp to can pose security risks; restrict it to known interfaces whenever possible.

Check MongoDB Port Accessibility

MongoDB default port 27017 might be blocked by a firewall or simply not accessible.

  1. Check firewall settings to ensure that port 27017 is open.
  2. If you’re on a remote server, use tools like nmap to ensure the port is open and listening. For instance:
nmap -p 27017 your.mongo.server.ip

Expected outcome: The output of nmap should show if the port is open or not.

Notes: Port configurations can get tricky in production systems, and you should always prioritize security when opening ports.

Recheck Connection String

A malformed MongoDB connection string can also cause failure to connect issues.

  1. Check the MongoDB URI string for any inaccuracies like wrong IP address, port number, or credentials.
  2. Make any necessary corrections to the connection string.
  3. Attempt to connect using the corrected connection string.

Most programming languages provide a MongoDB driver to connect using a connection string. For instance, using Node.js:

const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
const uri = "your_corrected_connection_string";
const client = new MongoClient(uri, { useNewUrlParser: true });
client.connect(err => {
  if(err) throw err;
  console.log('Connected successfully to server');

Outcome: The successful output should confirm that the connection has been established. Otherwise, the error thrown will provide insights into what went wrong.

Notes: The connection string contains sensitive information and should be protected. Use environment variables to store such sensitive details in production.

Final Words

Though not exhaustive, these solutions cover the most common scenarios that cause the proclaimed error. Fixing network issues, verifying service status, adjusting the MongoDB configuration, and correcting the connection string usually resolve most of the connection problems with MongoDB.