MongoDB Shell: How to Execute Queries Saved in a File

Updated: February 1, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MongoDB is a powerful NoSQL database favored for its scalability, flexibility, and performance. Developers often interact with it using the MongoDB Shell, better known as mongo, which is one of the most accessible and interactive ways to work with MongoDB instances. In this guide, we delve into how to execute queries that are saved in a file through the MongoDB Shell. This capability is especially useful for running scripts, automations, and scheduled database jobs.

Here, we will cover the following:

  • Writing queries into a file
  • Executing the saved file in MongoDB Shell
  • Passing command-line arguments to the script
  • Automating scripts execution
  • Best practices

Writing Queries into a File

BEGIN by creating a text file with the extension .js since MongoDB Shell interprets JavaScript. Here’s an example of how to structure your queries:

// Filename: queries.js

// Insert operation
db.collection.insert({name: "John Doe", age: 30, job: "Developer" });

// Find operation
db.collection.find({ age: { $gt: 20 } });

// Update operation
db.collection.update({name: "John Doe"}, { $set: {age: 31} });

// Delete operation
db.collection.deleteOne({name: "John Doe"});

Save the commands that you wish to execute in this .js file. You can include any valid MongoDB statements.

Executing the Saved File in MongoDB Shell

Once you have queries in a file, you can run this file inside MongoDB Shell using the load method:

// Access shell

// Load and execute the script

This command executes the JavaScript code inside the specified file within the context of the shell’s current database.

Passing Command-Line Arguments

When you require to pass dynamic values to your script, MongoDB provides a way to accept arguments from the command-line:

mongo --nodb --shell --eval "var name='MongoDB'; var age=10" /path/to/your/queries_with_args.js

In the above example, two variables name and age are declared and initialized. These variables are then accessible in the queries_with_args.js script.

Automating Scripts Execution

If you need to automate the execution of your MongoDB scripts, you can do so using cron jobs on Unix-based systems or Scheduled Tasks on Windows. Here’s an example of a cron job:

// Edit your crontab
EDITOR=nano crontab -e

// Add a cron job that runs 'queries.js' every day at 3 a.m.
0 3 * * * mongo database_name /path/to/your/queries.js

Make sure your script contains the appropriate connection logic if not already connected to a MongoDB instance within the mongo shell.

Best Practices

  • Script Validation: Always validate your scripts by running them in a test environment before deployment.
  • Comments: Use comments within your script to explain complex queries or operations.
  • Error Handling: Implement comprehensive error handling and logging to trace unexpected behaviors.
  • Security: Pay attention to sensitive information and ensure that your scripts do not expose any credentials or crucial data.


By learning how to save your queries in a file and execute them through the MongoDB Shell, you can efficiently intersperse MongoDB into your development and deployment workflows. This approach to managing your database operations can vastly improve productivity and promote the use of version-controlled scripts to maintain consistency across different environments.

Remember to always store your database scripts in a safe, secure location, and respect best practices to avoid compromising your databases. Happy coding!