MongoDB Timestamp data type: A practical guide (with examples)

Updated: February 2, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MongoDB, a NoSQL database, is popular for its flexibility, scalability, and the various data types it supports. While working with a MongoDB database, you may often come across the need to handle date and time data. One of the more specialized data types that MongoDB provides for this purpose is the Timestamp data type, which is not to be confused with the more commonly used BSON Date type. In this guide, we will delve deep into the intricacies of the Timestamp data type and explore practical examples of its usage.

The Basics

MongoDB’s Timestamp data type is a 64-bit value with a special internal purpose. The first 32 bits are a time_t value (seconds since the UNIX epoch), and the second 32 bits are an incrementing ordinal for operations within a given second. While the BSON Date type is meant for storing dates and times as a user would understand them (like what one would see on a calendar or a clock), Timestamp is used internally in MongoDB’s replication and sharding mechanisms to order operations and resolve conflicts. However, developers can also use Timestamp for their own purposes if needed.

Creating a Timestamp

const { Timestamp } = require('mongodb');
let ts = new Timestamp(1, Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000));
// Output might vary depending on the current time

This will create a Timestamp object using MongoDB’s driver. The first argument of the Timestamp constructor represents the incrementing ordinal, and the second argument is the time_t value derived from the current time.

Inserting Documents with a Timestamp

To see how Timestamp can be used to insert documents, let’s consider an example:

const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
const url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017';
const dbName = 'mydb';
const client = new MongoClient(url);

async function run() {
  try {
    await client.connect();
    console.log('Connected to server');
    const db = client.db(dbName);
    const collection = db.collection('documents');

    const doc = { item: 'card', qty: 15, status: 'A', lastModified: new Timestamp(1, Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000)) };
    const result = await collection.insertOne(doc);
  } finally {
    await client.close();

// Output:
// Connected to server
// { acknowledged: true, insertedId: '...some ObjectId...' }

In this example, ‘lastModified’ field has a value of type Timestamp which can be quite useful for handling concurrency in modification events on documents.

Querying by Timestamp

Meanwhile, querying documents by their Timestamp might be done in applications that implement their own form of version control or conflict resolution:

async function fetchLatest() {
  try {
    await client.connect();
    const db = client.db(dbName);
    const collection = db.collection('documents');

    const cursor = collection.find().sort({ lastModified: -1 }).limit(1);
    const latestDocument = await;
  } finally {
    await client.close();

// Output might look like this:
// { _id: '...some ObjectId...', item: 'card', qty: 15, status: 'A', lastModified: Timestamp { _bsontype: 'Timestamp', low_: 1, high_: 1615126823 } }

This will fetch the most recently modified document according to the Timestamp value.

Advanced Usages

Some advanced usages of Timestamps come when dealing with replica sets and often require a more in-depth understanding of how Mongo manages data replication and consistency.

Using Timestamps with the Oplog

Accessing and interacting with the MongoDB oplog requires careful consideration and is typically reserved for advanced use cases like replication, backup, or real-time data synchronization. Below is an example code snippet in JavaScript (for use with the MongoDB Node.js driver) that demonstrates how to access and read from the oplog. This example assumes you’re working with a MongoDB replica set, as the oplog is a concept that exists within the context of replica sets.

Important: This is for educational purposes. Always exercise caution and ensure you understand the implications of working directly with the oplog in a production environment.

Example (Node.js):

const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');

// Connection URL
const url = 'mongodb://localhost:27017';
const client = new MongoClient(url);

async function watchOplog() {
  try {
    await client.connect();
    console.log("Connected correctly to server");

    // The oplog resides in the 'local' database and the collection is named ''
    const db = client.db('local');
    const collection = db.collection('');

    // Tailing the oplog from the latest entry
    const latestOplogEntry = await collection.find().sort({$natural: -1}).limit(1).toArray();
    const lastOpTimestamp = latestOplogEntry[0].ts;

    // Setting up a tailable cursor for the oplog
    const cursor = collection.find({ ts: { $gt: lastOpTimestamp } }, {
      tailable: true,
      awaitData: true,
      oplogReplay: true,
      noCursorTimeout: true,
      batchSize: 10

    console.log("Tailing the oplog...");
    await cursor.forEach(doc => {
      console.log(doc); // Process each oplog document

  } catch (err) {
  } finally {
    await client.close();



  • This script connects to the MongoDB instance and tails the oplog, printing each operation to the console as it occurs.
  • It starts tailing from the most recent operation at the time the script is run.
  • Modify the url variable to match your MongoDB connection string.
  • Ensure you have the necessary permissions to read the local database.
  • Use of the oplog like this is common for monitoring changes or replicating data but requires understanding MongoDB’s replication internals.

Remember, directly accessing and modifying the oplog is risky and should be avoided unless you’re fully aware of the consequences.

Timestamp vs. ISODate

When should you use a Timestamp and when should you stick with ISODate? Typically, ISODate is the preferred choice for application-level date and time representation, as its format is widely used and supported by many encoding and decoding routines, while the Timestamp data type is beneficial when you need the additional ordering and increment functionality that it provides.


In conclusion, MongoDB’s Timestamp data type is a specialized tool meant primarily for the database’s internal use in ensuring the consistency and ordering of operations. While it has its specific use cases for developers, such as managing concurrency, it’s crucial to use it appropriately. Utilize Timestamps when their unique properties offer clear benefits over simpler types like BSON Date, and always proceed with caution when delving into the internals of your database.