MongoDB: Using limit() and skip() methods for pagination (with examples)

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Introduction to Pagination in MongoDB

In application development, displaying large sets of data in a single view is not practical. Pagination is a technique that allows data to be split across multiple pages, significantly improving user experience. In MongoDB, pagination can be achieved using the limit() and skip() methods. This tutorial will explore how to implement pagination in MongoDB by utilizing these methods, with practical code examples of increasing complexity.

Working with limit() and skip()

The limit() method in MongoDB is used to specify the maximum number of documents to return from a query. The skip() method, on the other hand, is used to skip over a specified number of documents from the start of the result set. Combined, these methods provide a way to paginate through documents. Let’s start with some basic examples then move to more advanced scenarios.

Basic Pagination with limit() and skip()


The above code snippet returns the first 10 documents of a collection. Now, to fetch the next set of documents.


This skips the first 10 documents, effectively giving you page 2 of the data.

Dynamic Pagination Example

We can make pagination dynamic by passing variables instead of hard-coded numbers. Here we define pageSize and pageNum to control our pagination.

let pageSize = 10;
let pageNum = 2; // Let's assume we want page 2
db.collection.find({}).skip(pageSize * (pageNum - 1)).limit(pageSize);

In the example above, if you change pageNum to 3, you’ll get the third set of 10 documents.

Using Pagination with Sort

Often, you will want to paginate through a sorted result set. This is how you could do it in MongoDB, sorting by a createdAt timestamp:

db.collection.find({}).sort({createdAt: -1}).skip(10).limit(10);

Skip and limit can be combined with sort to provide sorted pagination.

Pagination in Aggregation Pipelines

Aggregation allows for more complex operations than simple queries. Here is how to implement pagination using the aggregation framework:

    { $match: { status: 'active' } },
    { $sort: { createdAt: -1 } },
    { $skip: 10 },
    { $limit: 10 }

This will first filter documents by status, sort them, and then apply skip and limit for pagination.

Pagination with Large Datasets

With larger datasets, using skip can become inefficient as MongoDB has to count and skip through many documents. An alternate method involves remembering the last value and querying the next set using this value:

let lastCreatedAt;
let pageSize = 10;

// Initial call, no 'last' value yet
let documents = db.collection.find({}).sort({createdAt: 1}).limit(pageSize).toArray();

// Remember the last document's createdAt value
lastCreatedAt = documents[documents.length - 1].createdAt;

// Subsequent calls using 'last' value
let nextDocuments = db.collection.find({createdAt: {$gt: lastCreatedAt}}).sort({createdAt: 1}).limit(pageSize).toArray();

This strategy significantly improves performance with large datasets.

Complex Pagination and Performance Considerations

When dealing with complex queries and large datasets, creating efficient pagination requires careful planning. Using indexes effectively, avoiding unnecessarily large skips, and considering the use of range queries (as shown above) or the $facet stage in aggregation can significantly affect performance. Always monitor and analyze your queries with explain() to understand their efficiency.


Proper pagination is crucial in creating scalable and user-friendly applications. Through MongoDB’s limit() and skip() methods, developers have powerful tools at their disposal. Remember, as with any database operation, consideration for performance and efficient indexing will be key for the best user experience.