MongoDB: 3 ways to reset root password on Windows

Updated: February 1, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Forgetting the root password of a database can be a significant hurdle. MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database, provides ways for administrators to reset the root password, ensuring that database management can continue without disruption. In this guide, we explore different methods for resetting the MongoDB root password on a Windows system.

Solution 1 – Modify the MongoDB Configuration File

One way to reset the root password is by modifying the MongoDB configuration file to allow unprotected access temporarily, then using the Mongo shell to change the password. This method requires direct access to the server and the configuration file.

1. Stop the MongoDB Service:
Open the Command Prompt as an Administrator and run:

net stop MongoDB

Replace MongoDB with the actual name of your MongoDB service if it’s different.

2. Edit the MongoDB Configuration File:

The MongoDB configuration file, typically named mongod.cfg, is usually located in C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\[version]\bin\. Open this file in a text editor like Notepad.In the configuration file, locate the security section and comment out the line authorization: enabled by placing a # at the beginning of the line. Save the file and exit the editor.

3. Start the MongoDB Service Without Authentication:

Restart the MongoDB service using the Command Prompt:

net start MongoDB

4. Connect to the MongoDB Shell:

Open another Command Prompt window and connect to the MongoDB shell:


Change the Root Password:

In the MongoDB shell, use the following commands to change the root password:

use admin
db.changeUserPassword("root", "newpassword")

Replace "newpassword" with your desired password.

6. Restore the Authentication Configuration:

Close the MongoDB shell. Open the mongod.cfg file again and remove the comment mark (#) from the authorization: enabled line to re-enable authentication.

7. Restart the MongoDB Service:

Finally, restart the MongoDB service to apply the changes:

net stop MongoDB
net start MongoDB

By following these steps, you can reset the root password for MongoDB on a Windows system. Be sure to replace "newpassword" with a strong, secure password of your choosing.

Notes: This method should be used with caution as it temporarily allows access to the database without authentication. Ensure that the database is otherwise secured or inaccessible to unauthorized users during this process.

Solution 2 – Use MongoDB Management Tools

MongoDB management tools such as MongoDB Compass can assist in password reset if access to the Mongo shell is unreachable. This requires MongoDB Compass to be installed and the user to have the necessary permissions.

  1. Open MongoDB Compass.
  2. Connect to the database without specifying a password.
  3. Navigate to the Users tab.
  4. Edit the root user’s password.

No complete code modification or command execution is required as these steps are performed within the MongoDB Compass graphical user interface.

Notes: This method is straightforward and user-friendly, suitable for those who prefer a graphical interface. It requires MongoDB Compass to be installed, and the MongoDB service must be running without access control.

Solution 3 – Utilize MongoDB Shell

If you have another administrative user with the appropriate permissions (this might be rare because most developers only have one admin user. If this is the case, see solution #1), you can reset the root password using the MongoDB shell directly.

  1. Connect to the MongoDB shell as an administrative user.
  2. Use the admin database.
  3. Update the root user’s password using the update command.


use admin
db.updateUser("root", {pwd: "newRootPassword"});

If successful, MongoDB will return an acknowledgment message.

Notes: This method is quick and does not require the database to be in an unprotected state. However, it is contingent on having another user with administrative privileges.


In conclusion, MongoDB provides several approaches to reset the root password on a Windows system. Each solution varies in terms of ease of use, security considerations, and preconditions. Administrators should choose the method that balances convenience with security based on their specific circumstances and the environment in which MongoDB is running.