MongoDB WriteConflict Error: Common Causes and Solutions

Updated: February 1, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

MongoDB’s WriteConflict error is a common issue faced by developers which can greatly impact the performance and integrity of applications. In most cases, WriteConflict errors arise from concurrent write operations that MongoDB is unable to resolve automatically. This error typically occurs in multi-threaded environments or with replica sets during high write load scenarios.

Common Causes of WriteConflict

  • Simultaneous write operations to the same document
  • Long-running write operations
  • Transaction conflicts in a multi-document transaction
  • Replica set member conflicts during synchronization

Solving WriteConflict Errors

Employing Application-level Retries

Implementing a retry mechanism at the application level can manage write conflicts by retrying the failed operation. This strategy involves catching the WriteConflict exception and reattempting the write after a delay.

  1. Identify the critical sections of code that could potentially raise a WriteConflict exception.
  2. Implement a retry loop around these operations that capture WriteConflict exceptions.
  3. Introduce a short, exponential backoff sleep between retries to reduce the chance of repeated conflicts.


// Pseudo Code Example: Retry Write Operation
func writeWithRetry(data) error {
     for i := 0; i < maxRetries; i++ {
         err := performWriteOperation(data)
         if err == nil {
             return nil // Write successful
         if isWriteConflictError(err) {
         return err // Other errors
     return errWriteConflict // Max retries reached

Notes: Retrying should be used judiciously as it may mask underlying design issues with the database or the application. Excessive retrying can also lead to a greater overall system load.

Optimize the Write Operation

Writing data in smaller, manageable batches can often reduce the likelihood of a WriteConflict error. By reducing the number of write locks held at any one time and breaking the workload down into more manageable chunks, write throughput can be improved which can potentially avoid conflicts.

  1. Review your application logic to identify opportunities to batch writes.
  2. Implement the batching process by grouping similar write operations together.
  3. Ensure that batch sizes are optimal – not too small to avoid overheads and not too large to prevent lock contention.

Notes: Balancing batch size is crucial. Smaller batches reduce contention but could increase the number of total operations, affecting performance. Larger batches could lead to longer locks and increased risk of WriteConflict errors.

Rethinking Schema Design

Changing your document structure to embed related data in a single document can potentially reduce the likelihood of WriteConflict errors. Embedding replaces the need for multiple write operations when dealing with related data, as a single write operation modifies the embedded document.

  1. Analyze your data access patterns to determine opportunities for embedding.
  2. Refactor the schema to embed related documents instead of referencing them in separate collections.
  3. Write operations should now be directed towards the newly embedded documents.

Notes: Schema design changes require careful planning and may not always be practical. This approach reduces flexibility when dealing with the related data separately and can lead to limitations on document size.


Write conflicts are an inevitable part of dealing with a distributed database system like MongoDB, especially as the scale and complexity of applications grow. By understanding the common causes and implementing strategic solutions, developers can mitigate the impacts of WriteConflict errors significantly. Moreover, always consider the trade-offs and look for the balance between application performance, design complexity, and overall system resilience.