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MongoEngine BinaryField – Tutorial & Examples

Last updated: February 11, 2024


MongoEngine, a Document-Object Mapper (DOM) for working with MongoDB from Python, provides a suite of tools to interface with MongoDB documents as if they were Python objects. Among its many field types, the BinaryField is particularly useful for storing binary data, such as images, files, or any binary blobs. This tutorial will explore the BinaryField in MongoEngine, offering insights and examples to effectively utilize it in your projects.

Getting Started

Before diving into the BinaryField, ensure you have MongoEngine installed. If not, you can install it using pip:

pip install mongoengine

Once installed, connect to your MongoDB instance:

from mongoengine import connect
connect('your_db_name', host='your_db_host', port=your_db_port)

Defining a Document with BinaryField

Let’s start with the basics. Define a MongoEngine document with a BinaryField:

from mongoengine import Document, BinaryField

class MyBinaryData(Document):
    data = BinaryField()

This simple model will allow us to store binary data directly in a document. It’s straightforward and serves as a foundation for more complex operations.

Storing Binary Data

To store binary data, simply create an instance of your document and assign the binary data to the field. Here’s an example:

binary_data = b"This is some binary data."
my_data = MyBinaryData(data=binary_data)

In the example above, we’re storing a simple string as binary data. Remember, in real-world scenarios, you’ll likely deal with file streams or binary formats from files.

Retrieving Binary Data

Retrieving your stored data is just as straightforward. Use the .objects attribute or other querying methods provided by MongoEngine:

retrieved_data = MyBinaryData.objects.first().data

The above code fetches the first document found in our collection and prints the binary data.

Complete Example

from mongoengine import Document, BinaryField, connect

# Connect to MongoDB

class UserDocument(Document):
    file_data = BinaryField(required=True)

# Store a file in BinaryField
def store_file(file_path):
    with open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
        file_content =
    user_doc = UserDocument(file_data=file_content)
    print("File stored successfully.")

# Retrieve and save the file from BinaryField
def retrieve_file(document_id, output_path):
    user_doc = UserDocument.objects(id=document_id).first()
    if user_doc and user_doc.file_data:
        with open(output_path, 'wb') as file:
        print("File retrieved and saved to", output_path)
        print("Document not found.")

# Example usage
retrieve_file('document_id_here', '/path/to/save/retrieved_file.txt')

Advanced Usage of BinaryField

While storing and retrieving basic binary data is simple, let’s explore some advanced use cases.

Storing Files

To store files, read the file in binary mode then save it:

with open('example.jpg', 'rb') as file:
    file_data =
    my_data = MyBinaryData(data=file_data)

This method allows for the storage of any file type as binary data within MongoDB.

Working with Larger Files

For larger files, it’s advisable to consider using GridFS which is built into MongoDB and MongoEngine through FileField, instead of BinaryField, to store and retrieve files efficiently. However, for medium-sized files not exceeding MongoDB’s document size limit, BinaryField is suitable.


from mongoengine import Document, FileField, connect
from mongoengine.fields import StringField

# Connect to MongoDB

class UserFile(Document):
    file_data = FileField(required=True)
    description = StringField()

# Store a file using GridFS
def store_large_file(file_path, description):
    with open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
        user_file = UserFile(file_data=file, description=description)
    print("Large file stored in GridFS.")

# Retrieve and save the file from GridFS
def retrieve_large_file(document_id, output_path):
    user_file = UserFile.objects(id=document_id).first()
    if user_file and user_file.file_data:
        with open(output_path, 'wb') as file:
        print("Large file retrieved from GridFS and saved to", output_path)
        print("Document not found.")

# Example usage
store_large_file('/path/to/your/large_file.pdf', 'A large file')
retrieve_large_file('document_id_here', '/path/to/save/retrieved_large_file.pdf')

Indexing Binary Data

Indexing binary data can be advantageous for quick retrieval but requires thoughtful consideration. You can’t index the binary data directly for efficient searching, but you can include additional fields to your document for metadata information (like name, type, or tags), and index those fields.

Encrypting Binary Data

Storing sensitive information in binary format might necessitate encryption for added security. Although MongoEngine itself does not provide built-in encryption tools, you can encrypt your data before storing and decrypt upon retrieval using Python’s cryptography library.


The BinaryField in MongoEngine provides a flexible and straightforward way to work with binary data within your MongoDB collections. Whether you’re saving simple binary blobs, files, or encrypting data for security, BinaryField, combined with the rich features of MongoEngine, makes it an invaluable tool in handling binary data in Python applications. As with any database operation, consider the data size and security implications of the data you’re storing.

Next Article: MongoEngine DictField: A Practical Guide (with examples)

Previous Article: MongoEngine DateTimeField – Tutorial & Examples

Series: Data Persistence in Python – Tutorials & Examples


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