MongoEngine: Fetch the latest/earliest document

Updated: February 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MongoEngine, a Document-Object Mapper (DOM) for working with MongoDB from Python, brings convenience and flexibility to interacting with NoSQL databases. A common requirement in many applications is fetching the latest or earliest document from a collection, such as the most recent user activity or the first entry in a log. This tutorial takes you through multiple approaches to achieve this, from basic to advanced, using MongoEngine.

Getting Started

First, ensure MongoEngine is installed in your Python environment:

pip install mongoengine

Next, connect to your MongoDB instance:

from mongoengine import connect
connect('your_database_name', host='localhost', port=27017)

And define a simple document model to work with:

from mongoengine import Document, StringField, DateTimeField

class LogEntry(Document):
    message = StringField()
    created_at = DateTimeField(

Fetching the Latest Document

To fetch the most recent log entry, you can order the query results by the created_at field in descending order and limit the results to one document:

latest_entry = LogEntry.objects.order_by('-created_at').first()

This code snippet prints the message from the latest log entry. The -created_at indicates a descending order sort.

Fetching the Earliest Document

Similarly, to get the earliest entry:

earliest_entry = LogEntry.objects.order_by('created_at').first()

This fetches and prints the message from the earliest log entry, with created_at sorted in ascending order.

Using Aggregation for Efficiency

While the .first() approach is simple and effective for small collections, it can be less efficient for larger datasets. MongoEngine’s aggregation framework provides a powerful way to query documents summarizing and transforming data efficiently.

For the latest document:

from mongoengine.queryset.visitor import Q

latest_entry_agg = LogEntry.objects.aggregate({
    '$sort': {'created_at': -1}
}, {
    '$limit': 1

latest_entry = next(latest_entry_agg, None)
if latest_entry:
    print('No entries found.')

This utilizes a MongoDB aggregation pipeline to sort and limit the resulting documents efficiently, particularly beneficial for large datasets.

Advanced Query Techniques

Beyond straightforward fetching of the latest or earliest documents, MongoEngine allows for more complex queries that can cater to specific application needs, such as conditional fetching based on other fields.

For example, to fetch the latest log entry that contains a specific keyword in the message:

keyword_latest_entry = LogEntry.objects(message__contains='keyword').order_by('-created_at').first()

This filters the log entries to those containing ‘keyword’ before performing the sort to get the latest one.

Timestamp-Based Strategies

In scenarios where precision to the second or millisecond is crucial, ensuring your DateTimeField uses the appropriate settings is key. MongoDB and MongoEngine support storing dates as ISO Dates, providing millisecond precision, which can be vital for sorting purposes.

Applying this knowledge, let’s fetch the latest document with millisecond precision:


This technique ensures accuracy when documents are created in close temporal proximity.


In this tutorial, we’ve explored multiple ways to fetch the latest and earliest documents using MongoEngine, from simple queries to more advanced techniques using the aggregation framework. Whether you’re dealing with small datasets or large collections, these methods provide a robust solution to accessing your data efficiently. By understanding and applying these techniques, developers can significantly enhance data retrieval functionality in their applications.