MongoEngine: How to delete documents by a condition

Updated: February 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MongoEngine, a Document-Object Mapper (DOM) for working with MongoDB from Python, provides a high-level abstraction for database operations, making it easier to work with MongoDB documents. One of the many things you can do with MongoEngine is delete documents based on specific conditions. This tutorial will guide you through multiple methods of deleting documents, from basic to advanced, helping you understand how to efficiently manage your data.

Getting Started

Before we dive into deletion operations, it’s important to have MongoEngine installed and set up in your project. If you haven’t done this yet, you can install MongoEngine by running:

pip install mongoengine

Then, connect your application to the MongoDB database:

from mongoengine import connect

Let’s define a simple document class to work with:

from mongoengine import Document, StringField, IntField

class User(Document):
    name = StringField(required=True)
    age = IntField(required=True)

With the basic setup done, we can proceed to the different methods of deleting documents.

Basic Deletion

The simplest way to delete a document is by calling the delete() method on an instance of the document:

User.objects(name='John Doe').first().delete()

This code snippet will delete the first document found with the name ‘John Doe’.

Deleting Multiple Documents

To delete multiple documents that match a certain condition, you can use the delete() method on a query set:


This will delete all documents where the user’s age is less than 18.

Conditional Deletion with Q Objects

MongoEngine allows more complex query conditions using Q objects. This is useful for executing logical operations, such as AND and OR, on queries:

from mongoengine.queryset.visitor import Q

User.objects(Q(age__gt=65) | Q(name='John Doe')).delete()

This command will delete all users older than 65 or named ‘John Doe’.

Advanced Deletion Techniques

  • Batch Deletion: For deleting large numbers of documents, it’s more efficient to work in batches to avoid blocking database operations. Unfortunately, MongoEngine does not provide a built-in method for batch deletion, but you can implement this logic in your application by iterating over a paginated query set and deleting documents in batches.
  • Safe Deletion: It might be beneficial to ‘soft delete’ documents, meaning you don’t actually remove them from the database. Instead, you can add a boolean field to your document class (e.g., is_deleted = BooleanField(default=False)) and set this field to True for documents you want to ‘delete’. You can then exclude these documents from query results using query conditions.

Avoiding Unintended Data Loss

While deleting documents, especially in bulk, it’s crucial to ensure the accuracy of your query conditions to avoid unintended data loss. Always double-check your query conditions and, if possible, perform a dry run on a development or staging database before executing deletions on your production database.


In this tutorial, we explored various techniques for deleting documents in MongoEngine, from basic single document deletions to more complex condition-based deletions involving logical operations. Whether you’re cleaning up your data or implementing data retention policies, these methods provide you with the flexibility to manage your MongoDB documents effectively.