MongoEngine: How to exclude fields from query results

Updated: February 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with MongoDB in Python is streamlined through the use of MongoEngine, an Object-Document Mapper (ODM) that provides a high-level abstraction over PyMongo, MongoDB’s native Python driver. It allows for more Pythonic code structures and models when interacting with MongoDB. A common requirement in database operations is fetching documents without certain fields. This could be for performance reasons, security, or simply removing unnecessary data. In this tutorial, we’ll explore various ways to exclude fields from query results using MongoEngine, from basic to advanced scenarios.

Getting Started

Before we dive into the specifics of excluding fields, ensure that MongoEngine is installed and properly configured to communicate with your MongoDB instance. If not, you can install it using pip:

pip install mongoengine

And configure it with:

from mongoengine import connect
connect('your_database_name', host='localhost', port=27017)

Lets define a simple model:

from mongoengine import *

class User(Document):
    name = StringField()
    email = StringField()
    password = StringField()
    bio = StringField()

Basic Exclusion of Fields

The basic and most straightforward way to exclude fields in a query result is by using the only() method and prefixing the field name with a minus sign. This indicates that the field should be excluded.


This will return the first user without the password field. It’s a simple and effective method when you want to exclude a small number of fields.

Excluding Multiple Fields

When you need to exclude several fields from your query result, you can chain the field names in the only() method, separated by commas:

User.objects.only('-password', '-email').first()

This method works well for most use cases and is clear and concise.

Excluding Fields with Query Set Dictionary

Another way to exclude fields is by constructing a query with dictionary syntax and passing it to the exclude() method:

query = User.objects.exclude(password__exists=True, email__exists=True).first()

This will also exclude the password and email fields from the first user result. This technique is useful when your criteria for exclusion are more complex than simply removing fields by name.

Advanced Exclusions Using aggregation

MongoEngine supports MongoDB’s aggregation framework through its aggregate() function. This allows for much more complex querying and data manipulation, including the ability to exclude fields. Here’s how you can exclude fields in an aggregation pipeline:

pipeline = [
    { '$project': { 'password': 0, 'email': 0 } }

results = User.objects.aggregate(*pipeline)

for usr in results:

This pipeline uses MongoDB’s $project operator to exclude the password and email fields. This method grants the most control over the resulting documents, allowing for both the exclusion and inclusion of fields in complex querying scenarios.


Choosing the right method to exclude fields from your query results in MongoEngine largely depends on the complexity of your requirements and the structure of your documents. Starting with the only() and exclude methods covers many basic needs, while more sophisticated requirements may necessitate the use of MongoDB’s aggregation framework. Understanding these different approaches will make your work with MongoDB and MongoEngine both more efficient and secure.