MongoEngine: How to update embedded documents

Updated: February 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with MongoDB through the MongoEngine ORM in Python, managing embedded documents efficiently becomes crucial for the integrity and performance of your database operations. Embedded documents are non-primitive data, such as dictionaries or lists, stored inside a MongoDB document. These documents provide a nested structure that can complicate updates if not handled properly. This tutorial will guide you through various methods of updating embedded documents using MongoEngine, progressing from basic techniques to more advanced practices.


Before we dive into updating embedded documents, ensure you have the following setup:

  • MongoDB installed and running on your local machine or remote server.
  • Python and pip installed.
  • MongoEngine installed in your Python environment (`pip install mongoengine`).

Understanding the Document Structure

Let’s consider a blog application where each BlogPost document contains an embedded Author document.

from mongoengine import Document, EmbeddedDocument, fields

class Author(EmbeddedDocument):
    name = fields.StringField(required=True)
    email = fields.EmailField(required=True)

class BlogPost(Document):
    title = fields.StringField(required=True)
    content = fields.StringField()
    published_at = fields.DateTimeField()
    author = fields.EmbeddedDocumentField(Author)

Basic Updates

Updating embedded documents can be as simple as modifying an attribute and saving the document:

post = BlogPost.objects(title="Introduction to MongoEngine").first() = "New Author Name"

This will update the author‘s name of the first post matching the title “Introduction to MongoEngine”.

Updating Multiple Fields at Once

Sometimes, you might want to update several fields of an embedded document simultaneously. MongoEngine’s update_one method along with the set__ operator allow you to do this:

BlogPost.objects(title="Introduction to MongoEngine").update_one(
    set__author__name="Jane Doe",
    set__author__email="[email protected]"

This updates both the name and email of the author embedded document.

Advanced Techniques

For more complex scenarios, such as updating an embedded document within an array, you can use a combination of MongoEngine queries and atomic updates:

class Comment(EmbeddedDocument):
    content = fields.StringField(required=True)
    author = fields.EmbeddedDocumentField(Author)

class BlogPost(Document):
    comments = fields.ListField(fields.EmbeddedDocumentField(Comment))

# Adding a comment
post = BlogPost.objects(title="Advanced MongoEngine").first()
post.comments.append(Comment(content="Great post!", author=Author(name="John Doe", email="[email protected]")))

# Updating a comment's author
BlogPost.objects(comments__content="Great post!").update_one(
    set__comments__S__author__name="Jane Doe"

Updating Deeply Nested Documents

When dealing with deeply nested documents, you may need to use the positional $ operator combined with MongoEngine’s update methods to target the correct element for update:


Updating embedded documents in MongoEngine requires understanding of both the document structure and the available methods for manipulating these documents. From simple attribute changes to complex updates within nested arrays, MongoEngine provides a flexible interface for managing your MongoDB data. As you become more familiar with these techniques, you’ll find that managing embedded documents is both powerful and efficient.