MongoEngine: Required and Optional Fields

Updated: February 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MongoEngine is a powerful Document-Object Mapping (DOM) library for working with MongoDB, a NoSQL database, from Python. It enables developers to define schema for documents in an expressive, Pythonic way. In this guide, we’ll explore how to utilize required and optional fields in MongoEngine to design robust data models.

Understanding how to effectively work with these fields is crucial for ensuring data integrity and optimizing database interactions. Let’s dive into the concepts, accompanied by code examples of increasing complexity.

Defining a Basic Document

from mongoengine import Document, StringField

class User(Document):
    name = StringField(required=True)
    email = StringField(required=True)

In the code above, we define a basic User document with two fields: name and email. Both fields are marked as required, meaning that any attempt to save a User document without both a name and an email will raise a validation error.

Working with Optional Fields

from mongoengine import StringField, IntField

class UserProfile(Document):
    user_id = StringField(required=True)
    age = IntField()
    bio = StringField()

Here, the UserProfile document contains a mix of required and optional fields. While user_id is mandatory, age and bio are not, illustrating how you can mix both types of fields in your models.

Default Values

Defining default values for optional fields can be an effective way to control your data more closely. This ensures that even if no value is provided, your database documents will contain a consistent value rather than being unset.

from mongoengine import StringField, IntField

class User(Document):
    name = StringField(required=True)
    email = StringField(required=True)
    age = IntField(default=18)

In the example above, if the age field is not specified, it defaults to 18, demonstrating how default values can be used to ensure data consistency.

Conditional Requirements

Sometimes, a field might be required only under certain conditions. MongoEngine supports this through custom validation functions that can be attached to document fields.

from mongoengine import StringField, IntField, ValidationError

def age_validator(value):
    if value < 18:
        raise ValidationError("Must be at least 18 years old.")

class User(Document):
    name = StringField(required=True)
    email = StringField(required=True)
    age = IntField(validation=age_validator)

The code above introduces an age validator, enforcing that users must be at least 18 years old. This is a more dynamic approach to handling field requirements.

Advanced Patterns: Embedded Documents

For more complex data structures, you can use embedded documents. This allows you to represent hierarchical data within documents effectively.

from mongoengine import Document, StringField, EmbeddedDocument, EmbeddedDocumentField

class Address(EmbeddedDocument):
    street = StringField(required=True)
    city = StringField(required=True)

class User(Document):
    name = StringField(required=True)
    email = StringField(required=True)
    address = EmbeddedDocumentField(Address)

This model clearly separates user identity from their address, demonstrating a fine-grained way to manage document relationships and field requirements within your MongoDB collections.


Throughout this guide, we’ve explored how MongoEngine facilitates the handling of both required and optional fields within MongoDB documents. This flexibility is crucial for designing adaptable and resilient data models. By understanding and employing these techniques, developers can ensure their database interactions are both robust and efficient.