MongoEngine: Set a default value for a field

Updated: February 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MongoEngine is an Object-Document Mapper (ODM) for MongoDB, written in Python. It allows developers to work with MongoDB documents as if they were Python objects, providing a high-level abstraction over PyMongo, MongoDB’s official Python driver. By utilizing MongoEngine, developers can define the structure of documents in code, including fields, validation rules, and, as we’ll explore here, default values.

In this tutorial, we’re going to dive deep into the world of MongoEngine by exploring how to set default values for document fields. This feature is paramount when you want to ensure that your MongoDB documents have predictable data, especially in the absence of specific user inputs. We’ll journey from simple to more advanced examples, enabling both beginners and seasoned developers to wield this powerful feature effectively.

Setting Basic Default Values

Setting a default value is simple with MongoEngine. You can specify a default value for a field using the default attribute in a field definition. This value is used whenever a new document is created without that field specified. Let’s see this in action:

from mongoengine import Document, StringField

class User(Document):
    name = StringField(required=True)
    city = StringField(default='Unknown')

user = User(name='John Doe').save()

In this example, a User document has a city field which defaults to ‘Unknown’ if not specified. When we create a user without mentioning the city, the default value is used, and printing shows ‘Unknown’.

Dynamic Defaults Using Functions

For cases where you need a default value that’s not static, MongoEngine allows you to pass a callable (e.g., functions, lambdas) to the default attribute. This is useful for default values that depend on dynamic data, like the current date and time. Here’s how:

from mongoengine import Document, StringField, DateTimeField
from datetime import datetime

class LogEntry(Document):
    message = StringField(required=True)
    timestamp = DateTimeField(

entry = LogEntry(message='System reboot').save()

This LogEntry document marks each entry with a timestamp. By defaulting to, every new log entry gets the creation time as its timestamp, showcasing the convenience of dynamic defaults.

Advanced Usage: Default Values with Functions and Parameters

Moving to more advanced usage, you can define your own functions for default values, even accepting parameters. This approach greatly expands the flexibility and power of default values in MongoEngine:

from mongoengine import Document, StringField, IntField

def default_age(age=18):
    def inner_default():
        return age
    return inner_default

class Person(Document):
    name = StringField(required=True)
    age = IntField(default=default_age(25))

person = Person(name='Jane Doe').save()
print(person.age)  # Output: 25

This pattern, where a function generates another function (a closure), can handle far more sophisticated default setting scenarios. For example, this allows defaults based on passed parameters or even external data sources, enabling highly dynamic default settings.


Default values in MongoEngine are not only about filling in the blanks; they’re a powerful tool for ensuring your documents remain consistent and meaningful, even when certain data points are absent. From simple, static defaults to complex, dynamic setups involving custom functions, MongoEngine offers the flexibility needed to handle a wide range of default value scenarios efficiently and gracefully.

Armed with the knowledge from this tutorial, you’re well-equipped to employ default values in your MongoEngine models, streamlining your database interactions and enhancing the robustness of your applications.