MongoEngine – Using ImageField and FileField

Updated: February 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MongoEngine provides an intuitive ORM-like interface to MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database. Among its many features, the handling of large binary data through ImageField and FileField is especially noteworthy. This tutorial takes you through the basics to the more advanced aspects of working with these fields. Whether you’re building a content management system, a product catalog, or any application that requires storing images or files, this guide is for you.

Getting Started

Before diving into code samples, ensure MongoEngine is installed in your environment:

pip install mongoengine

Next, connect your application to MongoDB:

from mongoengine import connect

Basic Usage of ImageField and FileField

To start, define a simple model that includes ImageField and FileField:

from mongoengine import Document, ImageField, FileField

class MyDocument(Document):
    image = ImageField()
    file = FileField()

This straightforward model allows storing an image and a file within the same document. Now let’s add an image and a file to our database:

doc = MyDocument()
doc.image.put(open('path/to/your/image.png', 'rb'), content_type = 'image/png')
doc.file.put(open('path/to/your/document.txt', 'rb'), content_type = 'text/plain')

Retrieving and Using Data

To retrieve and use the stored image or file:

doc = MyDocument.objects.first()

# For the image
image_stream =
# Might save or send the image stream to a client here

# For the file
document_stream =
# Similar handling for the file stream

Advanced Functionality

Now, let’s expand on the base functionality. Suppose you want to generate thumbnails for the stored images automatically. This will require some additional logic:

from PIL import Image
import io

class MyDocument(Document):
    image = ImageField()
    thumbnail = ImageField()

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.image.get():
            # Create a thumbnail
            img =
            img.thumbnail((100, 100))
            thumb_io = io.BytesIO()
  , 'PNG')
            self.thumbnail.replace(thumb_io.getvalue(), content_type = 'image/png')
        super(MyDocument, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

This code intercepts the save method of our document. If an image is present, it creates a 100×100 pixels thumbnail using PIL (now known as Pillow), saves it into a byte stream, and then saves this byte stream into the thumbnail ImageField.

Security Considerations

While storing and retrieving images and files can be extremely useful, it’s also crucial to consider security. Ensure that uploaded files are thoroughly scanned for malware, especially if they’re accessible to public users. Additionally, validate that the content type of uploads matches expected formats to prevent arbitrary code execution vulnerabilities.

Custom Storage Backends

By default, MongoEngine stores files in GridFS, MongoDB’s mechanism for storing large files. For most applications, this should suffice. However, for high-performance or high-availability requirements, consider implementing a custom storage backend. Doing so involves extending the FileField and overriding its put and get methods to interact with your storage solution.


Using ImageField and FileField with MongoEngine allows for straightforward storage and retrieval of large binary data in MongoDB. This functionality is invaluable for a wide array of applications. With the basics laid out in this tutorial, the potentials for applying these fields are vast. As always, remember to manage your binary data mindfully, especially regarding security and performance.