Multicolumn Indices in MySQL 8: A Practical Guide

Updated: January 28, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Working with databases efficiently is a critical skill set for any developer who interacts with backend systems. When dealing with SQL databases, understanding indices — particularly, multicolumn indices — is integral to optimizing the performance of queries on tables with large amounts of data. In this article, we delve into multicolumn indices in MySQL 8, exploring their significance, creation, and use cases through practical examples.

What Are Multicolumn Indices?

Also known as composite indices, multicolumn indices are database index structures that span across multiple columns of a database table. They are imperative tools to speed up data retrieval by reducing the amount of data that needs to be examined and by increasing the efficiency of the query cache.

Why Use Multicolumn Indices?

Creating multicolumn indices can significantly improve the performance of complex queries that filter or sort on multiple columns. However, it’s important to note that they should be used cautiously as they come with overhead and can sometimes lead to slower inserts, updates, and deletes due to index maintenance.

How to Create Multicolumn Indices

CREATE INDEX idx_column1_column2 ON table_name (column1, column2);

Let’s start by looking at how to create a multicolumn index in MySQL 8. Assume we have a table named ‘orders’ with columns ‘customer_id’, ‘order_date’, and ‘total_amount’. If you often run queries that filter by ‘customer_id’ and sort by ‘order_date’, a multicolumn index on these columns can help.

CREATE INDEX idx_customer_order ON orders (customer_id, order_date);

Understanding Index Order

The order of columns in the index definition is particularly important. The index will be most effective if the order of the columns in the index matches the order of the columns in query conditions and sort operations.

SELECT * FROM orders
WHERE customer_id = 3
ORDER BY order_date DESC;

The above query will benefit from ‘idx_customer_order’ because it uses the columns in the same order as they appear in the index. However, it’s also worth noting that queries that only filter on ‘order_date’ will not benefit as much from this index.

Using the Index in Queries

MySQL uses available indices automatically when it deems that it will make the query more efficient. It’s our role to ensure that the indices exist. If you run an EXPLAIN statement on your select query, MySQL will provide information on how it executes the query including which indices it uses. Below is an example of how one might use this:

WHERE customer_id = 3
ORDER BY order_date DESC;

The ‘possible_keys’ and ‘key’ columns in the ‘EXPLAIN’ output will show whether the ‘idx_customer_order’ index is considered or used by MySQL. The index can also be explicitly hinted at using ‘USE INDEX’ syntax:

SELECT * FROM orders USE INDEX (idx_customer_order)
WHERE customer_id = 3
ORDER BY order_date DESC;

Index Cardinality and Performance

It’s also important to note the notion of cardinality — the uniqueness of data in a column. Generally, you want the column with the highest cardinality to be listed first in the index to maximize the index’s efficiency.

Best Practices for Using Multicolumn Indices

  1. Understand your Queries: Know which queries are run most often and how they filter and sort data within your tables.
  2. Order Matters: Make sure the order of columns in the index matches the order of usage in queries.
  3. Monitor Performance: Use EXPLAIN to analyze query execution and adapt your indexing strategy accordingly.
  4. Index Size: Keep in mind that larger indices consume more storage and can have an impact on non-select queries.
  5. Remove Unused Indices: Periodically check for and remove indices that are no longer being used to optimize performance.

Limitations and Considerations

Multicolumn indices are not always the solution to query performance issues. There’s overhead associated with maintaining large indices, and in some cases, queries may not be able to utilize a multicolumn index effectively. Therefore, it’s crucial to analyze the queries and table data thoroughly before deciding to implement a multicolumn index.


In summary, multicolumn indices in MySQL 8 are powerful tools that can substantially improve database performance when used correctly. By following best practices for multicolumn index utilization, monitoring query performance, and understanding their limitations, developers can optimize SQL queries and enhance application performance.

Remember that while indices are meant to speed up queries, their maintenance can slow down write operations. Therefore, database indexing strategies must balance read and write operations according to the application’s specific needs.