MySQL 8: Add column with default value to an existing table

Updated: January 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MySQL is a robust, open-source database management system. With the release of MySQL 8, developers can enjoy new features and enhanced performance. A common task in database management is to add a column to an existing table. This not only alters the table’s structure but can also set a default value for the column for all existing rows. This tutorial will guide you through adding a new column with a default value to an existing table in MySQL 8.


  • MySQL Server 8.0 installed and accessible.
  • Basic knowledge of SQL syntax and database concepts.
  • Access to a user account with privileges to modify the database schema.

Understanding the ‘ALTER TABLE’ Statement

The ‘ALTER TABLE’ SQL statement is used to modify the structure of an existing table. Adding a new column with a default value involves using this statement along with the ‘ADD COLUMN’ clause.

Adding a Basic Column

To add a basic column with no default value, you would use a query like:

ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD COLUMN new_column_name data_type;

Here’s the output you would expect if the query executes successfully:

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.83 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

Adding a Column with a Default Value

If you want to set a default value for the new column in all existing rows upon creation, you can modify the query slightly:

ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD COLUMN new_column_name data_type DEFAULT 'default_value';

Replace table_name with the name of your table, new_column_name with the name of the new column, data_type with the MySQL data type for the new column, and 'default_value' with the value you want to set as default.

Example of Adding Columns with Various Default Values

Here are several examples showing how to add columns with different types of default values.

Example 1: Adding a VARCHAR column with a default text value

ALTER TABLE employees
ADD COLUMN department VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT 'Sales';


Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.07 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

Example 2: Adding an INT column with a numerical default value

ALTER TABLE inventory

Example 3: Adding a DATETIME column with a current timestamp as default value


Considerations for Setting Default Values

When adding a new column with a default value, there are a few rules and considerations you should be aware of:

  • You cannot set a default value on columns of type BLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY, or JSON.
  • The default value must match the data type of the column.
  • If you want to use a function (like CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as the default value, you must ensure the function is allowed in the context of a default value.
  • Since MySQL 8.0.13, the ‘ALTER TABLE’ operation can be performed without causing a table rebuild if the table’s storage engine supports ‘instant ADD COLUMN’.

Advanced Usage: Adding a NOT NULL Column with a Default Value

In some situations, you may want to make the new column required by defining it as NOT NULL. Here is how to do that:

ALTER TABLE user_accounts

Handling Errors When Adding Columns

It’s possible to encounter errors or warnings when adding new columns. Common issues include syntax errors, default value type mismatches, or insufficient privileges. Always ensure:

  • The syntax is correct, including commas and quotes where necessary.
  • The default value is appropriate for the data type of the column.
  • You have the necessary permissions to alter the table.


In conclusion, adding a column with a default value to an existing table in MySQL 8 is a straightforward process that can be handled with a simple ‘ALTER TABLE’ statement. Through the use of clear examples and considerations outlined in this guide, you’ll be ready to modify your own database schemas with confidence.