MySQL 8: Adding, Removing, and Changing Indices of a Table

Updated: January 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Indices are critical components that improve the performance of database queries. MySQL 8, the latest offering from MySQL, brings several enhancements and features that optimize database performance even further. In this tutorial, we will delve into the art of managing indices on a MySQL 8 table. Understanding how to add, remove, and modify indices can significantly impact how quickly your application can retrieve data. We will go from the rudimentary commands to manipulate indices to some advanced concepts for index optimization.

Understanding MySQL Indices

Before implementing any index changes, it’s essential to comprehend what indices are and the role they play. An index, in the context of a MySQL 8 database, is a data structure that allows rapid search of rows in a table. Indices are associated with specific columns and are used to speed up queries that filter or sort results based on those columns.

Creating an Index

Adding an index in MySQL 8 typically involves using the CREATE INDEX command. Here’s the basic syntax:

CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name (column1, column2, ...);

For instance, to create a single-column index:

CREATE INDEX idx_lastname ON users (lastname);

And here’s how you might create a multi-column index:

CREATE INDEX idx_name ON users (lastname, firstname);

Once executed, MySQL will build the index by reading the associated columns and creating its internal data structures. You will not see an immediate output from these commands, but the performance benefit will be apparent with the proper read queries.

Viewing Existing Indices

To view the indices currently on a table, you can use the SHOW INDEX command:

SHOW INDEX FROM table_name;

This would yield a result set that provides details about each index in the table, such as its name, unique constraint, and the columns involved. Understanding your current indices is crucial for making informed decisions about adding or altering indices.

Removing an Index

When an index is no longer required or is negatively impacting write performance, it may be appropriate to drop it using the DROP INDEX command. Here’s the basic syntax for dropping an index:

DROP INDEX index_name ON table_name;

It’s that straightforward. Suppose we want to drop the ‘idx_lastname’ index we created earlier:

DROP INDEX idx_lastname ON users;

The index will be removed, and write operations on the table may become faster, though read operations that benefited from the index may suffer.

Altering an Index

Sometimes you may need to alter an existing index. Unfortunately, MySQL does not support an ALTER INDEX command directly. Instead, you have to drop the existing index and then create a new one with the desired changes.

To modify an index first drop it:

DROP INDEX idx_name ON users;

Then create it again with the modification:

CREATE INDEX idx_fullname ON users (lastname, firstname, middlename);

Note that modifying indices can result in significant performance overhead, especially on large tables, because the entire index must be rebuilt.

Advanced Indexing Strategies

There are scenarios when basic indexing is inadequate for the performance needs of an application. In such cases, techniques like creating unique indices, full-text indices, or using index hints can become invaluable.

Unique Indices: A unique index is similar to a standard index but also enforces the uniqueness of the column(s) values. It’s an essential feature for maintaining data integrity where data duplication is unacceptable:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ux_users_email ON users (email);

Full-Text Indices: MySQL 8 supports full-text searching which requires a specialized full-text index. This can be created on columns storing large amounts of text such as articles or descriptions:

CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX ft_content ON articles (content);

Using Index Hints: MySQL allows the suggestion of an index to use within a query, giving the user more control:

SELECT * FROM users USE INDEX (idx_fullname) WHERE lastname = 'Doe';

Performance Notes

Creating too many indices can be as detrimental to performance as having too few. Each index creation incurs a storage and performance cost on writes (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE). Balance is fundamental – add indices judiciously, and monitor their impact on overall database performance.


Proficiency in managing indices in MySQL 8 is a vital skill for developers and database administrators. Through careful index creation, modification, and deletion, database performance can be finely tuned to meet the needs of an application. More advanced indexing techniques offer additional tools in optimizing data retrieval. Remember that a thoughtful approach to indexing is a cornerstone of efficient database design.