MySQL 8 Error: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server

Updated: January 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

MySQL 8 introduced significant changes to its authentication protocol to enhance security. Sometimes, when connecting to a MySQL 8 server using older clients or libraries, users may encounter the error “Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server.” This problem arises due to the default use of the stronger caching_sha2_password authentication plugin, which might not be supported by all clients. In this tutorial, we will discuss various solutions to overcome this challenge.


Solution 1: Update Client Libraries

Most recent versions of client libraries have been updated to support the caching_sha2_password plugin. Upgrading the client library might resolve the issue without any further adjustments.

  1. Check your current client library version.
  2. Visit the official documentation of the client library for the update instructions.
  3. Install the latest version of the client library, which supports MySQL 8.


  • Upgrade is often the simplest solution.
  • May not be suitable if you’re in an environment where software upgrades are controlled.

Solution 2: Change Authentication Plugin

If updating the client is not feasible, you can switch the user’s authentication plugin to mysql_native_password, which is widely supported by legacy clients.

  1. Log in to the MySQL server as an administrator.
  2. Run the command (as shown in the example below) to change the authentication plugin.


ALTER USER 'your_username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'your_password';

After running these commands, try connecting again using your client.


  • The mysql_native_password is less secure than caching_sha2_password.
  • Use this only when necessary and consider the security implications.

Solution 3: Use a Compatible Connector/Driver

Some connectors/drivers are compatible with the caching_sha2_password. MySQL provides connectors and drivers like Connector/J, Connector/Net, Connector/ODBC, etc., which support this new authentication method.

  1. Identify a compatible connector/driver for your application.
  2. Install and configure the compatible connector/driver in your application.
  3. Test the application to ensure that it connects properly to MySQL.

The code will vary based on the language and the connector used.


  • This is an optimal solution if maintaining high security is a priority.
  • Requires changes to the application code.