MySQL 8: Get the ID of the last inserted row

Updated: January 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In the world of databases, being able to retrieve the ID of the last inserted row is a common requirement, especially when dealing with relational databases and application development. MySQL, one of the most popular open-source relational database management systems, offers several ways to discern this information. MySQL 8, which is the most recent version as of my knowledge cutoff date, provides enhanced features and performance improvements. In this article, we’ll delve into multiple methods for obtaining the ID of the last inserted row utilizing MySQL 8, catering to both beginners and more experienced database enthusiasts.

Understanding the LAST_INSERT_ID() Function

The fundamental way to obtain the last insert ID in MySQL is by using the LAST_INSERT_ID() function. This function is inherently session-specific, which means it is safe to use in environments where multiple connections to the same database occur simultaneously. Let’s see it in action with a simple example:

INSERT INTO users (name, email) VALUES ('John Doe', '[email protected]');

When you run the INSERT statement followed by the SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() in the same session, MySQL will return the ID of the ‘John Doe’ user that was just inserted into the ‘users’ table. This ID is typically an auto-incremented number managed by MySQL.

Working with Auto-Incremented Columns

Most of the time, the ‘ID’ mentioned is associated with an auto-incremented primary key column in a table. Let’s delve deep into how auto-increment mechanics work and their relation with the LAST_INSERT_ID() function.

CREATE TABLE employees (
    name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    department_id INT,
    PRIMARY KEY (id)

INSERT INTO employees (name, department_id) VALUES ('Jane Smith', 1);

After the ’employees’ table is created with an auto-incrementing ‘id’ column, any insert operation will generate a unique ID for each new row; this ID can promptly be retrieved using LAST_INSERT_ID() immediately after the insert.

Concurrency and LAST_INSERT_ID()

Understanding the behavior of LAST_INSERT_ID() under concurrent inserts is crucial. Since this function returns the last ID generated in the current session, inserts made simultaneously from other sessions do not affect the outcome.

/* Session A */
INSERT INTO orders (product_id, quantity) VALUES (10, 2);

/* Session B */
INSERT INTO orders (product_id, quantity) VALUES (11, 1);

/* Session A */

Even if ‘Session B’ performs an insert after ‘Session A’ but before ‘Session A’ can retrieve the ID, ‘Session A’ will only see the ID generated from its own INSERT operation.

Using LAST_INSERT_ID() with Transactions

In applications that require transactions, the LAST_INSERT_ID() remains valid throughout the lifetime of the transaction, and it’s important to understand how to use it effectively.

INSERT INTO orders (product_id, quantity) VALUES (12, 2);
INSERT INTO order_details (order_id, product_details) VALUES (LAST_INSERT_ID(), 'Details about the product');

In the provided transaction, LAST_INSERT_ID() is used within a series of inserts to immediately retrieve the newly generated ID and use it in a subsequent statement. It’s essential to commit the transaction to finalize the operations.

Advanced Tactics: LAST_INSERT_ID() with Multiple Rows

When inserting multiple rows at once, LAST_INSERT_ID() will return the ID of the first row in the batch of inserted rows. If you need to know the IDs of all the inserted rows, you’d need a different approach, such as inserting them individually and capturing the ID each time or using a user-defined variable to keep track of the IDs.

INSERT INTO products (name, price) VALUES ('Product 1', 9.99), ('Product 2', 14.99);
SET @first_id = LAST_INSERT_ID();
SET @second_id = @first_id + 1;
SELECT @first_id, @second_id;

Note that this approach assumes that there are no concurrent inserts that could potentially interrupt the auto-increment sequence.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Sometimes, when trying to retrieve the last insert ID, problems may arise. For example, having a trigger on the table that makes an insert to another table can change the outcome of LAST_INSERT_ID(). Be vigilant about such possible interactions.

CREATE TRIGGER after_employee_insert
    INSERT INTO audit_log (action, employee_id) VALUES ('INSERT',;

In the code above, after inserting into the ’employees’ table, any subsequent call to LAST_INSERT_ID() would yield the ID from the ‘audit_log’ table and not from ’employees’. Therefore, always gather the last insert ID before any further operations that may affect its value.


Obtaining the last inserted row’s ID in MySQL 8 is not just a matter of convenience; it is a necessity for keeping the relational integrity and managing related data efficiently. Utilizing LAST_INSERT_ID() is a critical skill for developers and DBAs alike, enabling advanced database manipulations and maintaining data consistency across tables. Hopefully, this tutorial has enlightened you to confidently use this function in your future MySQL endeavors.