MySQL 8: How to concatenate multiple rows into a single string

Updated: January 27, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In this tutorial, we will delve into the intricacies of concatenating multiple rows into a single string in MySQL 8. This is a common need in the realm of data presentation and reporting, where information from various rows needs to be combined for more coherent impressions or analysis. MySQL provides convenient functions to accomplish this, and we’ll be exploring a primary one: the GROUP_CONCAT function.


The GROUP_CONCAT function in MySQL is designed to concatenate data from several rows into a single string. The rows are grouped based on one or more columns, which means that the function often goes hand in hand with the GROUP BY clause in SQL queries. Before we walk through the examples, ensure you’ve got a MySQL server running version 8 or later. This function has gone through various improvements over the years, and MySQL 8 offers the latest features and capabilities.

Basic Usage of GROUP_CONCAT

Let’s say you have a table called sales with columns date, product, and amount. You want to create a list of products sold on a particular date. The SQL query might look something like this:

SELECT date, GROUP_CONCAT(product ORDER BY product ASC SEPARATOR ', ') as product_list
FROM sales
GROUP BY date;

This will output each date along with a comma-separated list of products sold on that day.

Dealing with NULL Values

In some scenarios, the rows you wish to concatenate might contain NULL values. By default, GROUP_CONCAT will ignore NULL values. However, if you need to consider them, you can use the COALESCE function to provide an alternate value when a NULL is encountered. For example:

SELECT date, GROUP_CONCAT(COALESCE(product, 'No Product') ORDER BY product ASC SEPARATOR ', ') as product_list
FROM sales
GROUP BY date;


To avoid duplicating values when concatenating rows, you apply the DISTINCT keyword within the GROUP_CONCAT function like the following:

SELECT date, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT product ORDER BY product ASC SEPARATOR ', ') as unique_product_list
FROM sales
GROUP BY date;

This will ensure that the product list for each date only contains unique product names.

Handling Large String Concatenation

The default maximum length of the string result for GROUP_CONCAT is 1024 bytes. If you’re concatenating a large amount of data, you may exceed this limit. To prevent the query from being truncated, you can increase the group_concat_max_len system variable as shown:

SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 1000000; -- Sets the limit to 1,000,000 bytes for the current session

Advanced GROUP_CONCAT Usage

You can also perform more complex operations with GROUP_CONCAT, such as using it in a subquery or joining multiple tables. Let’s look at an example where you wish to list each customer’s total amount of sales next to the list of products they have purchased.

  GROUP_CONCAT(s.product ORDER BY s.product ASC SEPARATOR ', ') as product_list,
  SUM(s.amount) as total_sales
  customers AS c
  sales AS s ON = s.customer_id

The result will include the customer name, a list of purchased products, and the total sales amount.


Concatenating multiple rows into a single string is a handy feature in MySQL 8, greatly facilitated by the GROUP_CONCAT function. This tutorial has walked you through several use cases, ranging from basic concatenations to handling null values and working with distinct values, as well as configurations for dealing with large concatenations. As with any powerful tool, you should use GROUP_CONCAT judiciously to maximize both readability and performance of your database queries.

The uses of GROUP_CONCAT are many, and they play a significant role in presenting complex aggregated data in a simplified and easily digestible form. Be sure to consult the MySQL documentation for further details on this and related functions to enhance your SQL skill set.