MySQL 8: How to Insert Text with Quotes into a Table

Updated: January 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Understanding the Problem

Working with databases often requires dealing with various data types and text formatting. One common challenge is inserting text that includes quotes into a table, which can be troublesome if not handled correctly, as quotes are also used to delimit strings in SQL. This tutorial will guide you through the methods to safely insert text containing quotes into a MySQL 8 database table.

The difficulty in inserting text with quotes arises from SQL’s own syntax. A single quote (‘) or double quote (“) in MySQL is regarded as a string delimiter. If such characters are part of the data, MySQL can interpret them as end of string, leading to syntax errors. It is essential to mitigate this to ensure data integrity.

Basic Escaping of Quotes

MySQL offers a simple method for handling quotes within strings: by escaping them using a backslash (\). Escaping tells MySQL to treat the following character as literal data, not as part of its syntax.

INSERT INTO your_table (text_column) VALUES ('This is Jack\'s book.');

In this example, the escaped single quote doesn’t end the string but is part of the string inserted into your_table. Note that this same technique can be used for double quotes:

INSERT INTO your_table (text_column) VALUES ("She said, \"Hello!\"");

Using Alternative Delimiters

If your text contains many single or double quotes, an alternative is using delimiters, such as $$, to encapsulate your string. This simplifies not needing to escape quotes. Note that this feature should typically be used in stored procedures or scripts.

INSERT INTO your_table (text_column) VALUES ('Jack said, "Hello!" and Jill replied, "Hi!"')$

You first set a new delimiter (in this case $$), then perform the INSERT operation and end by resetting the delimiter to a semicolon (;).

Using MySQL’s QUOTE() Function

MySQL provides a built-in function named QUOTE() specifically for enclosing strings with quotes and escaping any instances of quotes within the string:

INSERT INTO your_table (text_column) VALUES (QUOTE('Jack\'s "Hello!"'));

This function will return the string enclosed with single quotes while automatically escaping single and double quotes in the string.

Parameterized Queries

When working with application code, such as PHP, Python, or Java, it’s recommended to use parameterized queries rather than manually constructing SQL strings. This safely handles quotes and protects against SQL injection attacks.

// An example in Python using MySQL Connector/Python

text_to_insert = "Jack\'s "Hello!""
cursor.execute('INSERT INTO your_table (text_column) VALUES (%s)', (text_to_insert,))

In this example, we prepare the statement with placeholders and pass the actual data separately. The connector handles escaping and quoting.

Using Stored Procedures

Creating stored procedures is another advanced approach that helps in managing quotes in strings. You can handle complex string manipulation within the procedure before inserting into the table:

CREATE PROCEDURE safe_insert(IN txt VARCHAR(255))
  INSERT INTO your_table (text_column) VALUES (QUOTE(txt));

CALL safe_insert('Jack\'s "Hello!"')

This allows you to encapsulate the logic in a single place and call the stored procedure with the raw string as a parameter.


In this tutorial, we’ve seen how to address the challenge of inserting text containing quotes into MySQL tables. By understanding and implementing these techniques, you can ensure data integrity and avoid common pitfalls associated with handling strings containing quotes in SQL.