MySQL 8: How to revoke/restrict privileges from a user

Updated: January 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MySQL 8.0 is a powerful and widely-used open-source database management system. One of its key aspects of database administration is managing user privileges to ensure robust security and appropriate access control. In this tutorial, we’ll delve into how to revoke and restrict privileges from a MySQL user. Along the way, we’ll understand the granularity and specificity of MySQL permissions, and see multiple examples ranging from basic to advanced scenarios.

Understanding Privileges in MySQL 8

Before revoking privileges, it’s essential to understand what they are. MySQL assigns privileges to users, enabling them to perform certain actions on databases, tables, or even specific columns. They can range from the ability to create or delete databases to the alteration of data within a table. Understanding the available privileges is the first step in managing them correctly.

Listing Current User Privileges

To revoke privileges effectively, we must first ascertain exactly what privileges a user currently holds. We can do this by using the SHOW GRANTS statement:

SHOW GRANTS FOR 'username'@'host';

The output will look something like this:

GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON mydatabase.* TO 'username'@'host';

Basic Privilege Revocation

Revoking privileges in MySQL is accomplished by the REVOKE statement. Let’s start with a straightforward example.

Say we want to revoke the INSERT privilege from the user username on the mydatabase database:

REVOKE INSERT ON mydatabase.* FROM 'username'@'host';

Once executed, the user will no longer have the ability to insert data into any table within mydatabase.

Column-Level Privilege Revocation

MySQL 8 also allows you to revoke privileges at the column level, providing a more granular control. If we only want to revoke the UPDATE privilege on a specific column:

REVOKE UPDATE (column_name) ON mydatabase.mytable FROM 'username'@'host';

Now, username cannot update the column_name on mytable in mydatabase.

Revoking All Privileges

Occasionally, you might need to revoke all privileges from a user on a specific database or even globally. Here’s how:

For all privileges on a specific database:

REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON mydatabase.* FROM 'username'@'host';

For all privileges across all databases:

REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* FROM 'username'@'host';

Revoking Administrative Privileges

Revoking administrative privileges, such as GRANT OPTION and others, will remove the user’s ability to manage privileges for other users. An example:

REVOKE GRANT OPTION ON mydatabase.* FROM 'username'@'host';

This revocation is critical in tightly controlling the users who can alter privileges and is an essential aspect of securing a database system.

Advanced Scenario: Conditional Privilege Revocation

In more advanced cases, particularly when dealing with dynamically changing access patterns, you might require conditional privilege revocation. While MySQL does not support this natively, this functionality can be simulated by combining scripting and SQL. Care should be taken with this approach, as it requires a thorough understanding of both the system and scripting involved.

Example: Python Script for Conditional Privilege Revocation

import mysql.connector
from mysql.connector import Error

# Function to connect to the MySQL database
def mysql_connection():
        connection = mysql.connector.connect(
        return connection
    except Error as e:
        print("Error while connecting to MySQL", e)
        return None

# Function to revoke or grant privileges based on a condition
def update_privileges():
    # Example condition: Check if a certain file exists, time of day, etc.
    # This is where you define your dynamic condition
    condition = check_your_dynamic_condition()

        connection = mysql_connection()
        if connection is not None:
            cursor = connection.cursor()

            if condition:
                # If condition is True, grant SELECT privilege
                sql = "GRANT SELECT ON your_database.your_table TO 'your_user'@'localhost';"
                # If condition is False, revoke SELECT privilege
                sql = "REVOKE SELECT ON your_database.your_table FROM 'your_user'@'localhost';"


            print("Privileges updated based on the condition.")
    except Error as e:
        print("Error while updating privileges in MySQL", e)
        if connection is not None and connection.is_connected():

# Example function to define your condition
def check_your_dynamic_condition():
    # Implement your logic here
    # For example, check if a certain file exists, check a log file, etc.
    # Return True or False based on the condition
    return True  # or False

# Run the function to update privileges


  • mysql_connection Function: This function creates a connection to the MySQL database. You need to replace 'localhost', 'root', 'your_root_password', and 'your_database' with your database’s details.
  • update_privileges Function: This function checks a condition defined in check_your_dynamic_condition(). Depending on whether this condition is True or False, it either grants or revokes certain privileges.
  • check_your_dynamic_condition Function: This is where you define your dynamic condition. It could be anything like a time-based condition, checking if a file exists, etc.
  • Privilege Grant/Revoke: The SQL commands within update_privileges grant or revoke privileges based on the condition. Modify these SQL statements according to the specific privileges and database objects you’re working with.

Example: PHP Script for Conditional Privilege Revocation

$servername = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "your_root_password";
$dbname = "your_database";

// Function to create MySQL database connection
function getMysqlConnection($servername, $username, $password, $dbname) {
    $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
    if ($conn->connect_error) {
        die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
    return $conn;

// Function to update privileges based on a condition
function updatePrivileges($conn) {
    // Define your condition here
    $condition = checkYourDynamicCondition();

    if ($condition) {
        // If condition is true, grant privilege
        $sql = "GRANT SELECT ON your_database.your_table TO 'your_user'@'localhost';";
    } else {
        // If condition is false, revoke privilege
        $sql = "REVOKE SELECT ON your_database.your_table FROM 'your_user'@'localhost';";

    if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {
        echo "Privileges updated successfully based on the condition.";
    } else {
        echo "Error updating privileges: " . $conn->error;

// Example function to define your condition
function checkYourDynamicCondition() {
    // Implement your logic here
    // Return true or false based on the condition
    return true; // or false based on your condition

// Create connection
$conn = getMysqlConnection($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);

// Update privileges

// Close connection


  • Database Connection: The getMysqlConnection function creates a connection to the MySQL database using mysqli. Replace the placeholders with your actual database details.
  • Conditional Privilege Update: The updatePrivileges function checks a condition defined in checkYourDynamicCondition. Depending on the condition, it executes a SQL query to either grant or revoke privileges.
  • Defining the Condition: The checkYourDynamicCondition function should contain the logic that determines whether to grant or revoke privileges. This is where you would implement your dynamic conditions.
  • SQL Query Execution: The script then executes the appropriate SQL query (GRANT or REVOKE) based on the condition.

Impact of Revocation

After you’ve revoked privileges, it’s important to validate changes. Attempt operations with that user to ensure they have the appropriate access. Any subsequent connection by the user will be affected by the privilege changes, but current sessions will need to be explicitly flushed, or the user will need to reconnect for the changes to take effect:


Caveats and Best Practices

When revoking privileges, always:

  • Operate in a deliberate manner, understanding the operational impact.
  • Keep secure backups of your database in case of accidental revocations.
  • Use the least privilege necessary for a user to perform their role.

It’s also a good practice to document changes to user privileges and maintain an audit trail for accountability and to facilitate investigations or assessments.


Effective privilege management, including revocation, is the backbone of database security in MySQL 8. By understanding the significance of privileges, and tactically revoking them when needed, one can ensure that users only have access necessary for their roles, enhancing the overall security posture of the database environment.