MySQL 8: How to use aliases for columns and tables in SELECT statement

Updated: January 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MySQL is an incredibly powerful and versatile database management system used for storing and retrieving data in a structured format. Any SQL-based interface must be flexible enough to allow users to structure queries according to their needs. One of the key features in improving the readability and maintainability of SQL queries is the use of aliases. This tutorial will guide you through the use of aliases in MySQL 8 for both columns and tables in SELECT statements. By using aliases, you can write more concise and readable SQL statements, simplifying complex queries and reducing effort in both writing and understanding SQL code.

Understanding Aliases

Aliases in MySQL are temporary names given to a table or a column in a SELECT statement. The main purpose of using aliases is to improve readability of the SQL queries and to simplify SQL statements when working with complex queries involving multiple tables and operations. Aliases are particularly useful in cases of lengthy column names and when the same table is joined to itself one or multiple times.

Basic Column Aliasing

Let’s start with the basic approach to aliasing columns in a MySQL query. The syntax is straightforward:

SELECT column_name AS alias_name FROM table_name;

Below is a simple SELECT statement without an alias and its alias counterpart.

-- Without alias
SELECT first_name FROM users;

-- With alias
SELECT first_name AS name FROM users;

The AS keyword is optional, so you can also write this as:

SELECT first_name name FROM users;

Theand much more readable.

Table Aliasing in Joins

When you are joining multiple tables in a statement, Table Aliases become extremely useful to avoid typing the full table names every time you reference a column. Here’s an example using two tables, users and orders:

-- Without table aliases
SELECT users.user_id, users.first_name, orders.order_id,
FROM users INNER JOIN orders
ON users.user_id = orders.user_id;

-- With table aliases
SELECT u.user_id, u.first_name, o.order_id,
FROM users AS u INNER JOIN orders AS o
ON u.user_id = o.user_id;

As demonstrated, aliases ‘u’ and ‘o’ save a lot of typing effort and make the query easier to read.

Aliasing Subqueries

Subqueries can be given aliases for use in the outer query. This can help make complex queries with subqueries to be more manageable. Here’s an example:

-- Without alias
SELECT user_id, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM orders WHERE users.user_id = orders.user_id) as order_count
FROM users;

-- With subquery alias
SELECT u.user_id, o.order_count
FROM users AS u
  SELECT user_id, COUNT(*) AS order_count
  FROM orders
  GROUP BY user_id
) AS o ON u.user_id = o.user_id;

Again, the query on each customer is the aliasing.

Advanced Usage of Aliases

Aliases can not only simplify queries but also enable advanced SQL features like self-joins and complex aggregations. For example, if you need to compare sales figures from different years side by side:

  this_year.sales AS sales_2022,
  last_year.sales AS sales_2021
  (SELECT SUM(amount) AS sales FROM transactions WHERE YEAR(transaction_date) = 2022) AS this_year,
  (SELECT SUM(amount) AS sales FROM transactions WHERE YEAR(transaction_date) = 2021) AS last_year;

In this complex query without aliases, it would be hard to easily understand the role of each subquery. Aliases clarify the purpose of each part of the query and improve readability significantly.

Alias Naming Conventions and Caution

While aliasing provides many advantages, there are some best practices to consider. It is essential to use meaningful alias names for better readability and to avoid using SQL keywords as aliases to prevent confusion. Also, remember that aliases defined in a SELECT list are not recognized in the WHERE clause of that same statement; they are only recognized in the GROUP BY, ORDER BY, or HAVING clauses.


Aliasing in MySQL adds to the legibility and conciseness of SQL queries, especially when dealing with complex queries involving multiple tables and long column names. Employing aliases can greatly improve the simplicity and readability of your code, making it more maintainable and easier for others (and yourself) to understand. This tutorial should provide a solid foundation for using aliases in your daily interaction with MySQL 8.