MySQL 8: Ways to Dump a Database to an SQL File

Updated: January 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Dumping a database to an SQL file in MySQL 8 is an essential task for database backup, replication, and transfer. This guide will detail several solutions for performing this action, covering traditional methods, newer features, and third-party tools.

Solution #1: mysqldump Utility

Solution description: The mysqldump utility is a command-line tool provided by MySQL for exporting databases into SQL text files. This method is straightforward, highly customizable, and widely used.

  1. Open a command prompt or terminal.
  2. Use the mysqldump command with the correct parameters.
  3. Redirect the output to an SQL file.
mysqldump -u username -p database_name > database_dump.sql

Notes: mysqldump is a reliable, but may be slower on larger databases. It locks the tables by default during the dump to ensure a consistent snapshot, impeding write operations. Use the --single-transaction option for InnoDB tables to avoid this.

Solution #2: MySQL Shell

MySQL Shell is an advanced client and code editor for MySQL. It supports JavaScript, Python, and SQL modes and can be used to export databases more efficiently than mysqldump.

  1. Open MySQL Shell and connect to your database.
  2. Switch to SQL mode if necessary.
  3. Run the dump utility.
\connect user@localhost
UTIL EXPORT SCHEMA <database_name> TO 'path/to/dump_file.sql';

Notes: MySQL Shell’s dump utility is optimized for performance and does not lock tables by default. It is particularly good for large databases and supports parallel processing.

Solution #3: Data Export via PHPMyAdmin

PHPMyAdmin is a popular web-based database management tool that provides an intuitive GUI for MySQL operations. It offers an easy-to-use export functionality.

  1. Log in to PHPMyAdmin.
  2. Select the database you wish to export.
  3. Go to the ‘Export’ tab.
  4. Select the format and options you desire.
  5. Click on the ‘Go’ button to download the SQL file.

Notes: While PHPMyAdmin is user-friendly and does not require command-line knowledge, it may be unsuitable for very large databases and can be slower compared to command-line tools.

Solution #4: Third-Party Backup Tools

There are numerous third-party backup tools available for MySQL, such as Percona XtraBackup, which can efficiently export databases and may offer additional features.

  1. Choose and download the preferred backup tool.
  2. Install and configure the tool according to its documentation.
  3. Run the database export process using the tool.

No code example is included as the implementation highly depends on the chosen tool and its specific syntax.

Notes: Third-party tools often provide enhanced performance, compression, and encryption options. However, they may require additional setup and familiarity with the tool.


In conclusion, MySQL 8 offers several ways to dump a database to an SQL file, each with its strengths and best use cases. Traditional tools like mysqldump remain widely used due to their simplicity and direct support by the MySQL team. MySQL Shell represents a new era of database interaction with improved efficiency and capabilities. Web-based tools like PHPMyAdmin excel in user-friendliness but might falter with more significant databases. Lastly, third-party tools can provide sophisticated solutions tailored to specific backup and performance needs. When choosing the best approach for your scenario, consider the database size, available resources, required performance, and personal comfort with the command line versus GUI tools.