MySQL 8: 4 Ways to Fill Missing Values in a Table

Updated: January 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In database systems, missing values can lead to incomplete analysis or result in errors during data manipulation tasks. In MySQL 8, you can elegantly handle missing values using various methods. The chosen technique might depend on the context, performance needs, and the nature of your data. Let’s delve into multiple ways to fill missing values in a MySQL 8 table.

Approach #1 – DEFAULT Column Value

When creating a table or altering its structure, you can define a DEFAULT value that MySQL will automatically use for any new row that does not provide a value for the column. This is useful for both filling missing values upon insertion and for altering existing tables to handle future missing data gracefully.

List of steps to implement the solution:

  1. Create or modify a table to include a DEFAULT value for the column that might have missing data.
  2. Insert rows into the table without specifying a value for the column that has a DEFAULT value defined. MySQL will automatically use the DEFAULT value.


    name VARCHAR(100),
    department VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT 'Unassigned'

INSERT INTO Employee (name) VALUES ('John Doe');

SELECT * FROM Employee;


| id | name     | department  |
|  1 | John Doe | Unassigned  |

This output demonstrates how MySQL uses the DEFAULT value for the department column.

Notes The use of DEFAULT values is a simple and declarative way to handle missing data for a column. However, it can only be applied at the time of table creation or by altering the table structure. It won’t update already existing rows with missing values.

Approach #2 – COALESCE Function

The COALESCE function in MySQL allows you to fill missing or NULL values by checking a list of expressions and returning the first non-NULL value. This function can be used within queries to provide a substitute for NULL values in the results.

List of steps to implement the solution:

  1. Identify the column(s) with NULL or missing values where you wish to provide a fallback.
  2. Write a SELECT query using the COALESCE function to specify the fallback value.


    COALESCE(department, 'Unassigned') AS department 


| id | name     | department  |
|  1 | John Doe | Unassigned  |

The COALESCE function ensures that ‘Unassigned’ is displayed instead of NULL for the department column.

Note: COALESCE is useful for on-the-fly replacement of NULL values during query execution, without modifying the actual data in the table. It is most helpful in SELECT queries but does not provide a permanent fix for the missing data.

Approach #3 – UPDATE with Conditional Logic

If you wish to update existing rows to replace missing or NULL values, you can make use of MySQL’s UPDATE statement with a combination of conditional logic such as IF or CASE. This allows for more complex logic when filling missing values.

List of steps to implement the solution:

  1. Determine the conditions that dictate how missing values should be filled.
  2. Write an UPDATE statement, incorporating IF or CASE to handle different conditions appropriately.
  3. Execute the UPDATE statement to modify the rows in the table.


UPDATE Employee 
SET department = IF(department IS NULL, 'Unassigned', department);

SELECT * FROM Employee;


| id | name     | department  |
|  1 | John Doe | Unassigned  |

The IF conditional in the UPDATE statement assigns ‘Unassigned’ to any department that is NULL.

Note: The UPDATE with conditional logic is a versatile way to manage missing values, but it can be resource-intensive on large tables, since it rewrites affected rows. Therefore, it should be used with caution on tables with heavy read/write activity.

Approach #4 – Trigger to Handle Missing Values

More proactive than other methods, creating a trigger can catch an insertion or update of a row with missing values and automatically fill them based on predefined logic. This occurs before the data is actually written to the table.

List of steps to implement the solution:

  1. Identify when (BEFORE INSERT or BEFORE UPDATE) and on which table the trigger should act.
  2. Create the trigger using the CREATE TRIGGER statement, defining the logic for filling missing values.



    IF NEW.department IS NULL THEN
        SET NEW.department = 'Unassigned';
    END IF;


INSERT INTO Employee (name) VALUES ('Jane Smith');

SELECT * FROM Employee;


| id | name       | department  |
|  1 | John Doe   | Unassigned  |
|  2 | Jane Smith | Unassigned  |

The trigger ensures that any rows inserted with a NULL department will have ‘Unassigned’ as the value.

Note: Triggers are very powerful, but they can increase the complexity of your database logic and might have an impact on performance. It’s important to test triggers thoroughly and use them where appropriate.


Filling missing values in a MySQL table is key to maintaining data integrity and usefulness. It can also be crucial to ensuring your applications behave predictably. Each method described—DEFAULT values, the COALESCE function, conditional UPDATE, and triggers—has its own place, pros, and cons. The choice between them will depend on whether you’re handling missing data during the design of your database or you’re rectifying already existing data, as well as the performance and complexity implications for your specific scenario.